I held a light AND a dimmer switch AT THE SAME TIME!
I know.
It boggles the mind.
Next time I say I can't multi-task, please remind me of my obvious talent in that area. I know it will be a great comfort to me :)
Speaking of talent (like how smoothly I segued?) it is my pleasure to announce the winner of the December/January Pitch Pick!
And the winner is...
BETH!!! with her pitch for Tomboy Rules: Blossoms Are Always Prepared!
Congratulations on a wonderful pitch, Beth! It is already in editor Erin Molta's inbox, so I'm sure you will hear from her shortly :)
And congratulations as well to our other 4 pitchers - Rena, Joy, Kirsten, and Stacy - for their terrific pitches! Great work, everyone!
I'm feeling a little calorically depleted after all that cheering, and I think we all know the best way to deal with that... :) Something Chocolate, anyone?
Even though it's morning here, somewhere in the world it's later than that, so today our Something Chocolate shall be chocolate soup - perfect for any meal... or snack...! :)
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From the Soup Chick (recipe included) |
You can find her around the web at:
Website: www.julieannegrassobooks.com
Blog: http://www.whenigrowupiwannawriteakidsbook.blogspot.com.au/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Julie-Anne-Grasso-books/287496411357122
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jujuberry37
Here is her pitch:
Working Title: Diary Of A Slinky Kid
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 3-6)
The Pitch: Herman wishes he was just like everyone else, but as his mum points out, “There’s no escaping your genes.” Sure, he has the right number of fingers and toes, but when all the other kids are gazing at their belly buttons during gym class, Herman is hiding his coil shaped middle section under his t shirt.
You see, Herman comes from a long line of Slinky’s. When just another day at school turns into a daring rescue mission, Herman reluctantly reveals his slinky status to save the day. His mother’s words ring in his ears, and for the first time, Herman is glad of it. He finally finds his place in the world.
So what do you think? Would You Read It? YES, MAYBE or NO?
If your answer is YES, please feel free to tell us what you particularly liked and why the pitch piqued your interest. If your answer is MAYBE or NO, please feel free to tell us what you think could be better in the spirit of helping Julie improve her pitch. Helpful examples of possible alternate wordings are welcome. (However, I must ask that comments be constructive and respectful. I reserve the right not to publish comments that are mean because that is not what this is about.)
Please send YOUR pitches for the coming weeks! For rules and where to submit, click on this link Would You Read It or on the Would You Read It tab in the bar above. There are openings in March (which at this point is not that far away!) so polish up your pitches and send yours for your chance to be read by editor Erin Molta!
Julie is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to telling you that coincidentally I am a guest on Julie's blog today. And look at that! I just told you! So there wasn't a very long build up of anticipation. But I hope you will have a build up of anticipation between right now this very second and when you click over to Julie's blog to visit and say hi and see what tomfoolery we are up to over there! :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! :)
Julie is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to telling you that coincidentally I am a guest on Julie's blog today. And look at that! I just told you! So there wasn't a very long build up of anticipation. But I hope you will have a build up of anticipation between right now this very second and when you click over to Julie's blog to visit and say hi and see what tomfoolery we are up to over there! :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! :)