November 4, 2011

Who Will It Be? - Pitch Pick #3!... Plus Some Extras

Sorry for the mess my blog has been this week.  You may blame Mother Nature and her very clever idea that we should have 2 feet of snow for Halloween :)  Talk about trick vs. treat!  I'm still playing catch-up, so today's post will be a bit of a smorgasbord - not that I haven't done that before :)

Included in today's awesomeness will be Fun Foto, Warm Fuzzies #2, and the October Pitch Pick.

I know.

That's a lot to pack into a Friday.  But after all, it IS Friday, so the weekend is coming and I know you are all full of happiness and enthusiasm about that, so hopefully you will feel generous with your energy and wade on through so we can get back on track next week!  Anyone who is in a hurry should feel free to skip to the part that's most relevant to them... no hard feelings... (although I did get up at the crack of dawn and slave over all the parts... )  (oops, did I say that?!)  I promise, I'll try to be brief.  For me :)

(This is the part where no one will point out that if I was technologically able in ANY way I would have long since figured out how to schedule posts ahead and then if my power went out it wouldn't matter and I would never have gotten behind in the first place.  Thank you all for not mentioning that :))

So.  Fun Foto.  Technically, we're not doing it this week because we didn't get it together we knew you were too busy!  But I hate to skip it altogether, so here is my themeless Fun-not-really-a-Foto just for kicks:
Isn't it sweet?  Write a story about this!
(courtesy weheartit)
Anyone else who wants to put up a themeless foto, friendly for kids ages 0-12, feel free to post your link in the comments.  And for one of the best photos I've seen in a long time, check out Cynthia's blog, Random Thoughts, from yesterday.  Is that a great photo or what?! :)

Onto Warm Fuzzies Week #2:

This week's task: post a picture or piece of music that describes your WIP.  Then in the comments, people are supposed to guess what your WIP is about :)

Here's my picture for that:
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Any guesses? Remember, I write picture books :)

And finally (we're moving right along, aren't we? I'm being so brief!) it's time for Pitch Pick #3!!!  One lucky participant is going to get her pitch read by the epitome of awesome editors, Erin Molta!!!  To refresh your memory, the October contestants are listed below.

#1 Carla

Working Title:  Witches Don't Dance
Age/Genre: Picture Book
The Pitch:  What happens when witches dance?  Little Linda knows it can get messy, but she also thinks it might just be the witches' only chance to save their Halloween Party.

#2  Christie
Working Title: Gleek
Age/Genre: MG Contemporary
The Pitch:  A math whiz but not great at reading and writing, eleven-year-old Art Schaeffer unknowingly stumbles upon the school bully's rule-breaking science fair project and must find a way to expose him before the judges make their final decisions.

#3  Tracy
Working Title:  Pizza's Band
Age/Genre:  Early Reader
The Pitch:  Pizza, JuiceBox and Cake are best friends. Cereal arrives with his brand new guitar they head to the garage for band practice. But when Bratwurst interrupts, will Pizza be brave enough to protect his friends from this bully?

#4  Kim
Working Title:  Henry Hears You
Age/Genre:  YA
The Pitch:  13-year-old boy finds his voice as the new advice columnist for the school newspaper only to discover that some problems don't have easy solutions when he gets a letter from a kid threatening to kill himself if the gay bashing doesn't stop.

On your mark... Get set... VOTE!!!!!

In the interest of trying to get back on track, the poll will close on Sunday, November 6 at 11:59 PM EST so that I can announce the winner in Monday's post, so please get your votes in as soon as you can because I love announcing winners.  I will also post the finalists for the Halloweensie Contest for you to vote on Monday, so we will have another winner next week.  Yippee-ay-oh-ky-yay!  Is next week going to be fun or what?

Thank you all for your patience this week.  Hopefully next week will be a little less crazy!  Oh, and since people have expressed interest, we will be having a Thanksgiving Contest of some sort, so feel free to leave me words that evoke Thanksgiving for you in the comments!

Have a great weekend!!!
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