January 13, 2016

Would You Read It Wednesday #197 - Nicky And The Inchworm PLUS A Plethora Of Pitch Pick Winners!

Hi there!

As you know, I'm in the process of switching blog sites, so today's post is appearing HERE (  (I'm hoping one of those will work, but you can also try

Please hop over to visit! :)

I've got to tell you, though, while wordpress may have many lovely attributes, I'm not finding it as versatile to blog on.  I can't change font type, size or color (and you know how much I like bright colors!)  I can't make the blog post titles appear in anything but capitals.  And, most problematical of all, I can't figure out a way to add the link lists I use for Perfect Picture Book Fridays and the writing contests.

It might just be me.

We all know I'm a technomoron :)

But if I can't sort it out, I will be continuing to blog with blogger!

Meanwhile, please come over to the new digs for today's post and delicious Something Chocolate snack!

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