January 11, 2016

A Plethora Of Pitch Picks!


I'm so glad to see you! :)

This extra Monday post gives me a whole 'nother day to hang out with you!

(And a Monday post reminds me (just come along on the stream-of-consciousness train of thought here) that it's been ages since we did Oh Susanna!  So if anyone - writer, teacher, parent - has a question of any kind about reading, writing, submitting, picture books, etc... - feel free to email it to me using the handy Email Me button or susanna[at]susannahill[dot]com and put Oh Susanna in the subject line.  Your picture book questions answered!  I'd love to run Oh Susanna! again, at least occasionally :))

But today is all about Pitch Picks!  So many!  In appreciation of your hard work and dedication, I will supply Something Chocolate - extra Something Chocolates! Triple Something Chocolates! - for each Pitch Pick!


Here we go!  (And please remember I'm in the process of switching to my new website and blog, hoping to encourage you all to migrate over to my cozy, pretty new hangout at wordpress (not that I'm at all biased :)), so if you haven't visited yet, please do! - Website and Blog - and follow over there so we won't miss each other when I stop posting here!)

The September Pitch Pick... with this delicious, delectable, Triple Chocolate Cheesecake with Oreo Crust... YUM!!!

Triple Chocolate Cheesecake with Oreo Crust
Recipe HERE at OMG Chocolate Desserts

#1 Lizette - Moms (PB ages 1.5 - 3)

This book is an illustrated story about mothers. It demonstrates that mothers from all over the world love and care for their children no matter what walk of life they come from. It is very reflective of Canada's multicultural community and celebrates diversity. It is a simple story where the only text is the word " Mom" "Mother or "Mommy " in various languages. The illustrations will represent the feelings and interactions that occur daily between a mother and her children.  Pictures can capture emotions and can be understood by all and make for an open ended reading experience.

#2 Maria - Firefighters' Busy Day (PB ages 2-6)

Firefighters are busy! They have many tasks to do each day including “washing, waxing shining the truck, cleaning the gear, getting rid of the muck.”
Many don’t realize that firefighters do much more than just put water on fires. In Firefighters’ Busy Day, they can see the jobs firefighters do before, during, and after a fire call. Through the use of movement written into the text, they can even help firefighters get their jobs done.

Young children can pretend to be busy firefighters too, by trying some of the exciting fire safety activities included such as a fire truck parade or having firefighter-themed meal. The activities included are sure to turn everyday learning into firefighter fun.

#3 Diana - Wait For Cate (PB ages 4-8)

Cate has made a promise to her school friends to be on time for the big kickball game at recess. And they need her! When Cate encounters the new girl stuck in the sand in her wheelchair, Cate needs to make a decision. Should she keep her promise to her kickball team or help a new friend out of a “sticky” situation? 

#4 Zainab - Dear Cat (PB ages 4-8)

Persistent Bird keeps bugging Cat with his letters to be his friend.  Cat snubs Bird...until it's snack time. Cat is ready for a tasty meal except Bird has his own devious plan in mind for this "clever" cat. 

Please read and consider Lizette, Maria, Diana, and Zainab's pitches and choose the one you think is best and deserves a read by editor Erin Molta, and vote for it in the poll below by Tuesday January 12 at 7 PM EDT.


Aaaaand...  a little more Something Chocolate to keep your strength up... Triple Chocolate Poke Cake (bonus points to anyone who can tell me what a poke cake is! :))
Triple Chocolate Poke Cake
Recipe HERE at Beyond Frosting

The October Pitch Pick

#5 Kirk - My Next Door Neighbor Is A Dragon Princess (MG)

I didn’t care much for Maddie Buckner. At two, she bit my ear. At four she pushed me off a slide. At 8, she broke my favorite model airplane that took five months to build. At 10, she kissed me – on the lips! – under the Big Toy in the playground and told me she loved me. At 11, she spit in my face and said she hated me. Then she asked Parker Williams to the sock hop. Parker Williams! Oh, how I despised her. But then she had to go and save my life. That’s when I discovered her secret.

#6 Lisa - Kitten Ciao (PB ages 4-7)

Kitten Ciao is fed up with Mama’s cooking, so he consults his food lover’s map and dashes off to Europe.  It all seems so right, but everything goes wrong.  The rain in Paris turns his crepes to goo, his English pudding is filled with (gasp!) raisins, the sauerkraut at Oktoberfest is, well, he’s not sure what it is, and there’s no chocolate dip for his Spanish churros.  Most tragically, he accidentally bites his tongue while eating pasta in Rome.  Kitten Ciao swiftly learns there is no place like home – and a grilled cheese sandwich.

#7 Patricia - Aunt Elvira and the Watermelon Seed (PB ages 4-7)

A visit from Great-Aunt Elvira happens once in a lifetime.  But why must it be during Clarissa's lifetime? Her prim and proper twin, Marissa, is sure to shine. With her slurps, burps and spitting skills, Clarissa can’t imagine how to shine, let alone survive dinner, even with watermelon on the menu.

Please read and consider Kirk, Lisa, and Patricia's pitches and vote for the one you think is best and deserves a read by editor Erin Molta in the poll below by Tuesday January 12 at 7 PM EDT.
And now, last one!  You're doing great!  And here's a little more Something Chocolate to keep you going!  Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake... sorry if you're drooling on your keyboard... I take full responsibility :)
Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake
Recipe HERE at OMG Chocolate Desserts

The November Pitch Pick

#8 Jessica - Showdown At The Sippy Cup Saloon (PB ages 4-8)

In the tiny town of Toddle, in the cradle of the West, Sheriff Wyatt Burp is snoozing in his crib when Wild Bill Hiccup arrives to wake up -- and shake up -- the pint-size population.  "Don't go gettin' yer onesie in a twist," Wild Bill warns Wyatt, but tempers flare until the two go bib to bib in a showdown at the Sippy Cup Saloon. Who will emerge the rootin' tootin' squirt gun shootin' hero of the West? 

#9 Sandy - Caterwauling Cats (PB ages 4-8)
Jack and Dave miss their happy home where they take cushy naps and eat Kitty Cat Comfort Cozies. After several attempts to escape overdressing and mud pie feeding from Esther, they learn to yowl like monsters under her bed. Esther exits and the kitties have their own room for napping and noshing. 

#10 Christie - The Naked Goose (PB ages 3-7)

When Honk flies south, he meets a few oddly dressed geese and tries to follow suit. However, he does not realize they are lawn ornaments. After an awkward inquiry, followed by several disastrous outfits, Honk discovers he is happier the way he came - naked. 

#11 Jen - Ernie's Toothfake (PB ages 4-8)

Ernie Blossomfoss rushes home to get his first lost tooth under his pillow, but when he trips he watches it go sailing into the playground woodchips.  Convinced the tooth fairy won’t come unless she has a tooth to collect, Ernie hatches a plan to leave the perfect counterfeit.  When the clever fairy doesn’t fall for it, Ernie ups the ante until he finally discovers that being honest is more valuable than a crisp dollar bill.  
Please read and consider Jessica, Sandy, Christie, and Jen's pitches and vote for the one you think is best and deserves a read by editor Erin Molta in the poll below by Tuesday January 12 at 7 PM EDT.


Phew!  I know!  That was a lot of pitch reading and picking!  You are all the absolute best, and that is why I and everyone who submits a pitch love you so much.  Know that you have done a good deed for the day and that the universe will return that goodness to you in multiples!

And now, this extra poll-laden post wouldn't be complete without me telling you the results of last week's poll on the subject of an extra writing contest in February....

The response was overwhelmingly in favor of a contest!

So I guess I'll be seeing what I can put together for you all! :)

Ooh!  This is exciting!

Stay tuned!  I'll get the contest guidelines up as soon as I think of them... and keep your fingers crossed that I can rummage up some good prizes for you on short notice!!!

Have a marvelous Monday, everyone, and thanks again for all your help with the pitches!  We couldn't do it without you! EmojiEmojiEmoji

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