Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, Everyone! Grab a fortifying snack (perhaps a potpourri of Robin's Eggs, jelly beans, chocolate eggs, and marshmallow peeps to get us in the mood for this weekend :)) and let's dive into today's wonderful selection of picture books!
My book today is actually one I've never read! I'm posting a PPB from Cheryl Ashley, the children's librarian at Verona Public Library in New Jersey. This is one of her favorites, and I don't know of a much better resource for recommendations than a children's librarian so I, for one, am going to hustle on out and read this! And what better for Easter weekend than a spring farm story?
The Day The Goose Got Loose
Written By: Reeve Lindbergh
Illustrated By: Steven Kellogg
Puffin, April 1, 1995, Fiction
Suitable For: ages 4-8
Themes/Topics: farm animals, chaos, mischief, humor
Opening: "When the goose got loose
she caused a riot.
Nobody ever thought she'd try it!
There wasn't any more peace and quiet.
The day the goose got loose."
Brief Synopsis: (From Scholastic website) "Just how much havoc can one goose cause? Take a gander at the chaos that results when a long-necked mischief-maker flies the coop. Soon the bull's broken through the fence, and cows and horses are galloping all over town. The stampede will go on until dawn — and the laughter will last even longer. Full color."
Links To Resources: Fun At The Farm Teachers Guide
Why I Like This Book: (from Cheryl): This longtime favorite was written in 1990 and is available in paperback today. The story of the dreadful day the goose got loose is told in near perfect rhyming that will have youngsters bopping their heads keeping time. The text almost needs to be sung, it is that rhythmic. Among other mischievous deeds, goose ate the hens grain, frightened the sheep, enraged the ram,inspired the horses to get up to no good, made the cows tense, provoked the bull named Spence, annoyed Dad and upset Mom. The pictures are a riot. This silly story is a feast for the eyes, ears and funny bone.
Thank you so much for sharing your recommendation with us, Cheryl!
For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.
Still got some jelly beans left? Good. Because we have a few more items of interest.
If you haven't had a chance to vote on the March Pitch Pick, please hop over HERE and vote for which pitch should get a read and critique from editor Erin Molta.
In World Tour News, Phyllis had a delightful visit to Debbie in South Dakota where she made friends with a bison and was interviewed by a very cute dog named Sherlock! She is currently with Melissa in Australia and on her way to Alison in Georgia. She is also lost in the UK somewhere between Rebecca and Clare... I have no idea...! She has also been to Vermont, and that post will be up sometime this weekend from Kathy! Be sure to check back here to the Tour Page, and I will also post any new links on Face Book as soon as I get them!
In contest news, I'm still on the fence, so I'm going to let you decide with the click of a button!
I'm very democratic around here :) You can vote until 5 PM EDT on Easter Sunday, April 8.
(Oh, and this just in at the eleventh hour! Goodies have arrived from Saskatchewan and New Zealand!!! A package! And a box! Par Avion! Also a postcard from Rebecca in the UK!!! I will share... but not now because as I am writing this it is past my bedtime :))
Now, off you go to enjoy everyone's picture book recommendations! For those of you who celebrate, have a wonderful Easter, and everyone have a great weekend! PPB bloggers, please add your post-specific link to the list below :)