June 3, 2015

Would You Read It Wednesday #177 - The Sun, The Moon, And Eve (PB) PLUS The May Pitch Pick!

Now that the Illustration Contest has been announced, I'm all excited to see what our talented illustrator friends are going to come up with!  How, oh how!, will we wait 3+ whole weeks?

But they don't call me Clever Sus for nothing!  Nosireebob!  I am a master of distraction technique!

For starters, we can distract ourselves by voting for our favorite pitches in the May Pitch Pick.

Our intrepid pitchers have taken all your good advice to heart and reworked their pitches so that I fear you're going to have quite a job picking a favorite to vote for!

Here they are:

#1 Zainab - A Case Of Cane-Syrupy-Sugar-A-Bitus (PB ages 4-8)
Samantha's dream of becoming THE pirouetting star of the school talent show may be shattered when she contracts a case of cane-syrup-a-bitus (a.k.a. the Sugar Bug). Will Samantha be able to rid herself of this high fructose bug or will she be sent home and miss her moment on stage?

#2 Linda - Poindexter's Particular Procedure For Cold Feet (PB ages )
Poindexter’s Particular Procedure for Cold Feet.  This play on the letter “P” pops the story along as it addresses two-year-old Evan’s problem of cold feet.  Evan is befuddled as his mother puts his socks on, yet no shoes.  Of course he promptly takes the socks off.  Only after consulting Poindexter’s Purple Book of Particular Procedures for Peculiar Problems does the mysterious solution produce toasty warm feet.
#3 Kirk - When Your Best Friend Wants To Be Your Girlfriend and Other Horror Stories (MG)
12-year-old Jared Hoover and Cassie Arnold have been friends since they ate sand together. They’ve attended the same schools, shared family camping trips and even visited Disneyland. Inseparable friends forever, right? Maybe not when Cassie begins experiencing “changes” Jared doesn’t understand. Jared can’t figure out if she hates his guts or (gulp) might actually "like" him in a weird way. Who knew girls were so complicated?

#4 Jason - Barnabas Is NOT A Ninja (PB ages 4-8)
Barnabas is not a ninja.  He wears buccaneer boots, sings sea shanties, and shouts “avast!” at passing strangers. So when his parents enroll him in Ninjagarten, he must contend with a shushing sensei, 19 know it all ninjalings, and an uncontrollable urge to raise a ruckus.  After recruiting the other students to join his pirate crew, Barnabas leads them in a mutiny.  Either he will conquer the classroom, or his first day of Ninjagarten will be his last.
Please vote for the pitch you think most deserves a read by editor Erin Molta in the poll below by Sunday June 7 at 5 PM EDT.  Many thanks!

Next, we can indulge in Something Chocolate which will surely take our minds off the Illustration Contest at least while our mouths are full...!  Since it's breakfast time, and breakfast is the most important meal of the day, how about some chocolate waffles???!!!

Mmmm!  Great idea!  Not only chocolate!  Not only delicious!  But we've got the basic food groups covered: chocolate, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and fruit (for you breakfast purists out there :)).  Yum-MY!

And now, we can focus on today's pitch which comes to us from Lavanya whom you will remember from last July with her pitch for Sophie vs. The Monster.  She says, "I'm a software engineer by day, and an avid reader of fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and literature by night. I'm also mother to a young girl who has just discovered the magical ability to make meaning out of the printed word. I started putting my own words down on paper last November, and when I went to my regional SCBWI conference in April, I confirmed a suspicion that I had long harbored - writers are the nicest people in the world, and I want to be one of them. :-)"

Here is her pitch:

Working Title: The Sun, The Moon, And Eve
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 4-8)
The Pitch: In the dawn of the world, a child called Eve sings out her love for her siblings, the Sun and the Moon. But when Eve's songs reveal her favorite, the Sun and the Moon unleash their fury. Eve must dispel the terrible shadow that follows, and restore their harmony.

So what do you think?  Would You Read It?  YES, MAYBE or NO?

If your answer is YES, please feel free to tell us what you particularly liked and why the pitch piqued your interest.  If your answer is MAYBE or NO, please feel free to tell us what you think could be better in the spirit of helping Lavanya improve her pitch.  Helpful examples of possible alternate wordings are welcome.  (However, I must ask that comments be constructive and respectful.  I reserve the right not to publish comments that are mean because that is not what this is about.)

Please send YOUR pitches for the coming weeks!  For rules and where to submit, click on this link Would You Read It or on the Would You Read It tab in the bar above.  There are openings in October so you've got a little time to polish up your pitches and send yours for your chance to be read by editor Erin Molta!

Lavanya is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch!  I am looking forward to the Illustration Contest!  Aarrgghh!  There I go undoing all that fabulous distraction, putting the contest right back in your minds!  Oops! :)

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!!! :)

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