January 21, 2015

Would You Read It Wednesday #158 - Hoot And Holly (PB) PLUS The November Pitch Pick Winner!

Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

I hope you are all in fine fettle!

(I don't actually know what fettle is... it sounds like kettle, so maybe it means you're well stoked up on tea... though hopefully not so much so that you have that sloshy feeling, the technical term for which - according to me and my best friend in 6th grade - is "joggling" :)  But it also sounds like fete, so maybe it means you're partying.  Partying or tea-a-plenty, either option seems good on a cold January day :))

Whatever condition your fettle is in I'm glad you're here :)

(That sounds like it should either be a line from a Broadway show tune, or the end of a Mr. Rogers song, don't you think?  We should work on that... :))

Anyhoo . . . Let's get on with our regularly scheduled programming, shall we?

First off, I'm happy to announce that the winner of the November Pitch Pick (in an exceptionally tight race, I might add - very, very close this month!) is Heather with her pitch for Hubert's Dreadful Allergies!  Wahoo!  Congratulations, Heather!  Your pitch has already been sent to Erin Molta for her thoughts, and I'm sure you'll hear from her soon.

And congratulations as always to ALL our pitchers for bravely putting themselves out there and sharing truly fabulous pitches!  Is it just me, or do you all agree that the overall quality of the pitches has steadily improved since the early days of Would You Read It?  Seriously, I think everyone does such a good job!

Phew!  After all that excitement, I think we need . . .

Something Chocolate!!!

Today's Something Chocolate is not so much chocolate as Something Caramel - although you could (and should!) quickly remedy that with a drizzle of hot fudge sauce :)  But I thought we should go healthy this morning, what with it being January and a time for new beginnings and all... :)

Recipe HERE

Now that we're all full of healthy apples (and possibly slightly less healthy caramel, and hopefully also a healthy dose of hot fudge sauce :)) let's get right down to WYRI!

Today's pitch comes to us from Michele who says, "I can't promise that a long time policy work and public relations professional can succeed in the world of picture book making. But I can promise that she will try!"

Here is her pitch:

Working Title: Hoot And Holly
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 4-8)
The Pitch: When Holly finds the orphaned owlet Hoot in a windswept field near home, she knows he won’t survive without her help. Together, Hoot and Holly forge an unlikely friendship as Holly cares for the baby owl until he can care for himself. Hoot & Holly is a story about growing up and saying goodbye. It blends the emotion of an Alison McGhee story with the sweet fun of impossible friend stories like Sophie’s SquashPeep, and Fly Away Home (film). Like Flora & UlyssesHoot & Holly celebrates the special bond between humans and animals. It’s a love story with a realistic end that will resonate with people of all ages.

So what do you think?  Would You Read It?  YES, MAYBE or NO?

If your answer is YES, please feel free to tell us what you particularly liked and why the pitch piqued your interest.  If your answer is MAYBE or NO, please feel free to tell us what you think could be better in the spirit of helping Michele improve her pitch.  Helpful examples of possible alternate wordings are welcome.  (However, I must ask that comments be constructive and respectful.  I reserve the right not to publish comments that are mean because that is not what this is about.)

Please send YOUR pitches for the coming weeks!  For rules and where to submit, click on this link Would You Read It or on the Would You Read It tab in the bar above.  There are openings in June, so you've got a little time to polish up your pitches and send yours for your chance to be read by editor Erin Molta!

Michele is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch!  Phyllis and I are off to an author visit today, so I am looking forward to that!  And Phyllis wants you all to know, in case you are wondering, that she is in VERY fine fettle! :)

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!!! :)

♫ ♫ ♫ la-la-la-la-la-la-la whatever condition your fettle is in I'm glad you're here! ♫ ♫

P.S.  This just in!  Important Hare-Brained Scheme Announcement in a special edition blog post tomorrow!!! :)

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