Happy Day After Thanksgiving, Everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful day, yesterday!
I had a lovely day, and as I continue to have a house full of family, I am playing hooky from PPBF today.
But I will post the list for any of you who have your PPBF post ready to share! :)
For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.
PPBF bloggers please be sure to leave your post-specific link in the list below so we can all come visit you!
Have a great weekend, everyone!!! :)
November 28, 2014
November 26, 2014
Would You Read It Wednesday #154 - Got Your Nose (PB)
Well, dearies, you're about to get the most unembellished Would You Read It post ever!
That is because yesterday I had to drive to Boston... normally a 7 hour round trip, but what with Thanksgiving traffic and the fact that lots of people were traveling early due to the storm we're getting today, it took closer to 12.
By the time I got home, it was 11:20 PM, and I still had to write today's post...
But the important stuff is here :)
The winner of the October Pitch Pick was Michelle, with her PB pitch for Zoo Rules! Congratulations, Michelle, well done! Your pitch is on its way to editor Erin Molta, and I'm sure you'll hear from her soon.
And congratulations to our other brave pitchers as well! Everyone did such a great job, and you are all winners just for writing and polishing your pitches and putting them out there for people to comment on!
Even in my zombie I've-been-driving-a-car-non-stop-for-nearly-12-hours stupor, I would not forget your Something Chocolate! I think it should be something Thanksgiving-y, don't you? In the spirit of giving, I offer you a choice of
But anyway you gobble it, a chocolate turkey is delicious :)
Now then, today's pitch comes to us from Jean, who says, "I am a critical care nurse by day, and aspiring writer on my days off. I write a nursing blog at nightingalechronicles.com, and have been published at inthepowderroom.com, but I have always had a love of children’s stories. I am a mother of three children ages 11, 9, and 7. I look forward to submitting my pitch; this will be my first time putting my children’s work out there."
I'd like to add a quick note that Jean's schedule caused her to be on duty for her Would You Read It day, so please know that she will be reading your comments as soon as she can, and responding when she can, but it will probably take her a couple days. She is very grateful for your help!
Here is her pitch:
Working Title: Got Your Nose
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 4-8)
The Pitch: Who doesn’t love the game 'Got Your Nose’? Jack doesn’t, that’s for sure; well, not anymore. You see, Jack loved playing 'Got Your Nose' with his mom, but when bedtime came Jack wasn’t ready to quit. Instead, Jack decided to see if he could play with his sleeping brother’s nose by stealing it right off of his face. But when Jack heard the sounds of approaching footsteps he nervously tossed his brother’s nose sending it flying on a harrowing adventure that’ll be bound to make you hold your breath, and your nose a little tighter.
So what do you think? Would You Read It? YES, MAYBE or NO?
That is because yesterday I had to drive to Boston... normally a 7 hour round trip, but what with Thanksgiving traffic and the fact that lots of people were traveling early due to the storm we're getting today, it took closer to 12.
By the time I got home, it was 11:20 PM, and I still had to write today's post...
But the important stuff is here :)
The winner of the October Pitch Pick was Michelle, with her PB pitch for Zoo Rules! Congratulations, Michelle, well done! Your pitch is on its way to editor Erin Molta, and I'm sure you'll hear from her soon.
And congratulations to our other brave pitchers as well! Everyone did such a great job, and you are all winners just for writing and polishing your pitches and putting them out there for people to comment on!
Even in my zombie I've-been-driving-a-car-non-stop-for-nearly-12-hours stupor, I would not forget your Something Chocolate! I think it should be something Thanksgiving-y, don't you? In the spirit of giving, I offer you a choice of
or dark... :)
But anyway you gobble it, a chocolate turkey is delicious :)
Now then, today's pitch comes to us from Jean, who says, "I am a critical care nurse by day, and aspiring writer on my days off. I write a nursing blog at nightingalechronicles.com, and have been published at inthepowderroom.com, but I have always had a love of children’s stories. I am a mother of three children ages 11, 9, and 7. I look forward to submitting my pitch; this will be my first time putting my children’s work out there."
I'd like to add a quick note that Jean's schedule caused her to be on duty for her Would You Read It day, so please know that she will be reading your comments as soon as she can, and responding when she can, but it will probably take her a couple days. She is very grateful for your help!
Here is her pitch:
Working Title: Got Your Nose
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 4-8)
The Pitch: Who doesn’t love the game 'Got Your Nose’? Jack doesn’t, that’s for sure; well, not anymore. You see, Jack loved playing 'Got Your Nose' with his mom, but when bedtime came Jack wasn’t ready to quit. Instead, Jack decided to see if he could play with his sleeping brother’s nose by stealing it right off of his face. But when Jack heard the sounds of approaching footsteps he nervously tossed his brother’s nose sending it flying on a harrowing adventure that’ll be bound to make you hold your breath, and your nose a little tighter.
So what do you think? Would You Read It? YES, MAYBE or NO?
If your answer is YES, please feel free to tell us what you particularly liked and why the pitch piqued your interest. If your answer is MAYBE or NO, please feel free to tell us what you think could be better in the spirit of helping Jean improve her pitch. Helpful examples of possible alternate wordings are welcome. (However, I must ask that comments be constructive and respectful. I reserve the right not to publish comments that are mean because that is not what this is about.)
Please send YOUR pitches for the coming weeks! For rules and where to submit, click on this link Would You Read It or on the Would You Read It tab in the bar above. There are openings in January so you've got a little time to polish up your pitches and send yours for your chance to be read by editor Erin Molta!
Jean is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to spending tomorrow with family! AND I can say with truthfulness that it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... since our trusty local weather predictors are forecasting 8-12 inches of snow for us today!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone, and I hope you all have safe travels (if you're traveling), and wonderful, happy, healthy, brimming with fun and family Thanksgivings (if you're celebrating)!!! :)
Jean is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to spending tomorrow with family! AND I can say with truthfulness that it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... since our trusty local weather predictors are forecasting 8-12 inches of snow for us today!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone, and I hope you all have safe travels (if you're traveling), and wonderful, happy, healthy, brimming with fun and family Thanksgivings (if you're celebrating)!!! :)
November 21, 2014
Perfect Picture Book Friday - Leaf Man
Wahoo! It's Perfect Picture Book Friday!
Is there anything more fun for a picture book writer or illustrator, a parent, a teacher, or a child then the prospect of diving into a pile of great picture books?
I didn't think so :)
Unless maybe it's the prospect of diving into a pile of great picture books with a cup of hot chocolate near to hand (though not quite near enough to get kicked over during the diving :))
I have a gorgeous book to share with you today. Get ready to have your breath taken away by this thing of beauty! :)
Title: Leaf Man
Written & Illustrated By: Lois Ehlert
Harcourt, September 2005, Fiction
Suitable For Ages: 4-8
Themes/Topics: seasons (autumn), nature, imagination
Opening: "Leaf Man used to live near me, in a pile of leaves. But yesterday the wind blew Leaf Man away."
Brief Synopsis: From the publisher: "Fall has come, the wind is gusting, and Leaf Man is on the move. Is he drifting east, over the marsh and ducks and geese? Or is he heading west, above the orchards, prairie meadows, and spotted cows? No one's quite sure, but this much is certain: A Leaf Man's got to go where the wind blows."
Links To Resources: Teacher's Guide (Harcourt); Lesson Plan (Scholastic); the jacket flaps of the book are covered with "mystery leaves" - pictures of the leaves with a hint about where they come from so children can try to guess/identify them; the endpapers of the book show examples of many types of leaves, pictured and labeled; go on a leaf walk and collect leaves of your own - how many different kinds can you find? how many colors and shapes?; make a leaf collage, or a pencil rubbing of a leaf, or any kind of leaf art.
Why I Like This Book: If you've spent any time at all on Perfect Picture Books, you'll know that 99.99 times out of 100, I choose books because I love the words or the story. This is one time when I chose a perfect picture book for the art. It also has a whimsical story :), but it's the art that sells this book. It's simply gorgeous. The illustrations are made from actual fall leaves. The pages are cut and layered in the shapes of hills. Each page pictures its subject made out of leaves, for example, on the page where perhaps Leaf Man flew over the turkey, there is a turkey crafted from fall leaves. The colors are vibrant, and both the story and the art allow children to fancifully imagine all that a leaf might do as it blows before the wind. The whole book sings autumn - it's just lovely!
For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.
PPBF bloggers please be sure to leave your post-specific link in the list below so we can all come visit you! I can't wait to see your picks for this week!
With Thanksgiving coming along in less than a week, are you hosting or visiting? Which do you prefer? I'm hosting this year, but I'm really happy to do either... as long as I don't have to travel too far :)
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!!! :)
Is there anything more fun for a picture book writer or illustrator, a parent, a teacher, or a child then the prospect of diving into a pile of great picture books?
I didn't think so :)
Unless maybe it's the prospect of diving into a pile of great picture books with a cup of hot chocolate near to hand (though not quite near enough to get kicked over during the diving :))
I have a gorgeous book to share with you today. Get ready to have your breath taken away by this thing of beauty! :)
Title: Leaf Man
Written & Illustrated By: Lois Ehlert
Harcourt, September 2005, Fiction
Suitable For Ages: 4-8
Themes/Topics: seasons (autumn), nature, imagination
Opening: "Leaf Man used to live near me, in a pile of leaves. But yesterday the wind blew Leaf Man away."
Brief Synopsis: From the publisher: "Fall has come, the wind is gusting, and Leaf Man is on the move. Is he drifting east, over the marsh and ducks and geese? Or is he heading west, above the orchards, prairie meadows, and spotted cows? No one's quite sure, but this much is certain: A Leaf Man's got to go where the wind blows."
Links To Resources: Teacher's Guide (Harcourt); Lesson Plan (Scholastic); the jacket flaps of the book are covered with "mystery leaves" - pictures of the leaves with a hint about where they come from so children can try to guess/identify them; the endpapers of the book show examples of many types of leaves, pictured and labeled; go on a leaf walk and collect leaves of your own - how many different kinds can you find? how many colors and shapes?; make a leaf collage, or a pencil rubbing of a leaf, or any kind of leaf art.
Why I Like This Book: If you've spent any time at all on Perfect Picture Books, you'll know that 99.99 times out of 100, I choose books because I love the words or the story. This is one time when I chose a perfect picture book for the art. It also has a whimsical story :), but it's the art that sells this book. It's simply gorgeous. The illustrations are made from actual fall leaves. The pages are cut and layered in the shapes of hills. Each page pictures its subject made out of leaves, for example, on the page where perhaps Leaf Man flew over the turkey, there is a turkey crafted from fall leaves. The colors are vibrant, and both the story and the art allow children to fancifully imagine all that a leaf might do as it blows before the wind. The whole book sings autumn - it's just lovely!
For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.
PPBF bloggers please be sure to leave your post-specific link in the list below so we can all come visit you! I can't wait to see your picks for this week!
With Thanksgiving coming along in less than a week, are you hosting or visiting? Which do you prefer? I'm hosting this year, but I'm really happy to do either... as long as I don't have to travel too far :)
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!!! :)
November 19, 2014
Would You Read It Wednesday #153 - Knights Of The Kids' Table (PB) PLUS The October Pitch Pick
Happy Wednesday, my friends!
I think I might owe you an apology.
I may have accidentally abused my powers.
You see, on Monday, I posted the contest rules for the Pretty Much World Famous 4th Annual Holiday Contest. If you have read them, you will know that the subject matter is wild weather. I was merely thinking we could have tons of fun with that topic. . .
But here we are, within hours of that posting, and the temperature is 12 degrees in mid-November!
In New York! (not the Buffalo part! where there are already 3 feet of snow with 3 more predicted!) in the semi-civilized part not that far from NYC!
Unheard of!
I'm afraid not.
I'm going to do my best to turn things around by buying a new pair of expensive warm winter boots (Sorel. Model: Women's Caribou. Color: Cinnamon. Or maybe Slate. Size: 7.5 - or maybe 7 since the reviews say they run large.) That should pretty much guarantee that we won't get any snow. But of course that will be unusual too... so there we are, back at wild weather!
I'm afraid I've caused it coming and going.
You just have to be sooooo careful when you have magical powers! One little moment of inattention, and whoops! you've unleashed Winter 2014-2015!
So yeah, sorry about that.
Let me try to distract you with a look at the fabulous pitches from October which await your voting pleasure for the October Pitch Pick.
#1 Tonia - Eat At Antonio's - PB ages 8+
A strange looking restaurant pops up in a small ho hum farm town offering fine cuisine. A real stir is created as these plain Jane folks can't swallow much more than meat and potatoes and common sense. The Grand Opening announces a real eating adventure. Once inside, Master Chef Antonio will transform the taste buds that will take them to exotic places with just one bite.
#2 Gail - Me Hungry - PB ages 4-7
Finally, an invitation! According to the instructions, Conrad must bring a sword, a bow and arrows, and … exactly ten marshmallows?! He eagerly sets out for his best friend Fiona’s new home. But his journey quickly becomes complicated by a leaky boat, prickly brambles, and a sweets-loving dragon lurking in the moat. Will Conrad have the wits (and enough marshmallows) to make it to Fiona’s front door?
#4 Michelle - The Zoo Rules - PB ages 4-8
Miss Knaffle and her second graders all just want to have fun at school. But when her students take theiridea of fun too far—conducting a farting symphony during reading time, smuggling coffee beans to the class hamster, and using their desks for a bubblegum sculpture contest—Miss Knaffle decides that only a field trip to the zoo will avert classroom disaster. Once there, the canny teacher enlists irritable zoo animals to her cause. When Fátima tangles with a snake and Mario ends up on the wrong side of a baboon, the students quickly come to appreciate the zoo rules—and their teacher—in a whole new way.
Please vote for the pitch you feel most deserves a read by editor Erin Molta in the poll below by Sunday November 23 at 5 PM EST.
Many thanks!
Now then, since the Mid-Hudson Valley is in the grip of the polar vortex (I know! My fault!) and I am therefore freezing ( I know! Still my fault!), we shall have something warming for our Something Chocolate today... Molten Chocolate Cake!!!
Don't you feel warmer already just looking at that molten flood of scrumptious chocolate? Plus, we really need the extra calories to keep warm, so it's actually GOOD for us to eat this :)
Now that we've averted the danger of freezing AND wasting away into skin and bones, let's jump into Would You Read It!
Today's pitch comes to us from Gail, whom you will remember from October with her pitch for Me Hungry. (Um, really you don't even need to remember since her pitch is above in the October Pitch Pick :)) She says, "Recently, I participated in the Making Picture Book Magic workshop and in the Telling Children Stories in Today’s Market intensive. I’m a member of SCWBI, and hold both a degree in Fine Arts from Wilfrid Laurier University and a diploma in Journalism from Cambrian College. You’re welcome to visit http://gailtalbot.com anytime to learn more."
Here is her pitch:
Working Title: Knights Of The Kids' Table
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 4-8)
The Pitch: Most of the Knights of the Kids’ Table found Flooted funny. After all, when he got nervous, Flooted tooted. But cranky Hugh couldn’t stand the smell, so he hatched a plan to get rid of Flooted…for good. When Hugh’s scheme flopped, the little knights giggled, the big knights enjoyed silly sword fights, and the grumpy little knight got exactly what he wished for.
I think I might owe you an apology.
I may have accidentally abused my powers.
You see, on Monday, I posted the contest rules for the Pretty Much World Famous 4th Annual Holiday Contest. If you have read them, you will know that the subject matter is wild weather. I was merely thinking we could have tons of fun with that topic. . .
But here we are, within hours of that posting, and the temperature is 12 degrees in mid-November!
In New York! (not the Buffalo part! where there are already 3 feet of snow with 3 more predicted!) in the semi-civilized part not that far from NYC!
Unheard of!
I'm afraid not.
I'm going to do my best to turn things around by buying a new pair of expensive warm winter boots (Sorel. Model: Women's Caribou. Color: Cinnamon. Or maybe Slate. Size: 7.5 - or maybe 7 since the reviews say they run large.) That should pretty much guarantee that we won't get any snow. But of course that will be unusual too... so there we are, back at wild weather!
I'm afraid I've caused it coming and going.
You just have to be sooooo careful when you have magical powers! One little moment of inattention, and whoops! you've unleashed Winter 2014-2015!
So yeah, sorry about that.
Let me try to distract you with a look at the fabulous pitches from October which await your voting pleasure for the October Pitch Pick.
#1 Tonia - Eat At Antonio's - PB ages 8+
A strange looking restaurant pops up in a small ho hum farm town offering fine cuisine. A real stir is created as these plain Jane folks can't swallow much more than meat and potatoes and common sense. The Grand Opening announces a real eating adventure. Once inside, Master Chef Antonio will transform the taste buds that will take them to exotic places with just one bite.
#2 Gail - Me Hungry - PB ages 4-7
Ted discovers a teeny-tiny zombie, and quickly learns that the little monster packs a big appetite. The little boy sets out to feed his famished friend, leading the pair on a whacky adventure — meat kabooms, a plate is pinched, and a restaurant is invaded! Ted's quick thinking sees Zombie's tummy finally fill, and his own dream of becoming a chef come true.
"Me Hungry!" is a fast-paced, 500-word picture book. A little “Master Chef Junior” meets “Goosebumps,” the story features Ted, a boy who learns that facing his fears is the first step in making his dreams come true.
#3 Debbie - Exactly Ten Marshmallows - PB ages 4-8 (originally titled Your Friend, Conrad)Finally, an invitation! According to the instructions, Conrad must bring a sword, a bow and arrows, and … exactly ten marshmallows?! He eagerly sets out for his best friend Fiona’s new home. But his journey quickly becomes complicated by a leaky boat, prickly brambles, and a sweets-loving dragon lurking in the moat. Will Conrad have the wits (and enough marshmallows) to make it to Fiona’s front door?
#4 Michelle - The Zoo Rules - PB ages 4-8
Miss Knaffle and her second graders all just want to have fun at school. But when her students take theiridea of fun too far—conducting a farting symphony during reading time, smuggling coffee beans to the class hamster, and using their desks for a bubblegum sculpture contest—Miss Knaffle decides that only a field trip to the zoo will avert classroom disaster. Once there, the canny teacher enlists irritable zoo animals to her cause. When Fátima tangles with a snake and Mario ends up on the wrong side of a baboon, the students quickly come to appreciate the zoo rules—and their teacher—in a whole new way.
Please vote for the pitch you feel most deserves a read by editor Erin Molta in the poll below by Sunday November 23 at 5 PM EST.
Many thanks!
Now then, since the Mid-Hudson Valley is in the grip of the polar vortex (I know! My fault!) and I am therefore freezing ( I know! Still my fault!), we shall have something warming for our Something Chocolate today... Molten Chocolate Cake!!!
Don't you feel warmer already just looking at that molten flood of scrumptious chocolate? Plus, we really need the extra calories to keep warm, so it's actually GOOD for us to eat this :)
Now that we've averted the danger of freezing AND wasting away into skin and bones, let's jump into Would You Read It!
Today's pitch comes to us from Gail, whom you will remember from October with her pitch for Me Hungry. (Um, really you don't even need to remember since her pitch is above in the October Pitch Pick :)) She says, "Recently, I participated in the Making Picture Book Magic workshop and in the Telling Children Stories in Today’s Market intensive. I’m a member of SCWBI, and hold both a degree in Fine Arts from Wilfrid Laurier University and a diploma in Journalism from Cambrian College. You’re welcome to visit http://gailtalbot.com anytime to learn more."
Here is her pitch:
Working Title: Knights Of The Kids' Table
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 4-8)
The Pitch: Most of the Knights of the Kids’ Table found Flooted funny. After all, when he got nervous, Flooted tooted. But cranky Hugh couldn’t stand the smell, so he hatched a plan to get rid of Flooted…for good. When Hugh’s scheme flopped, the little knights giggled, the big knights enjoyed silly sword fights, and the grumpy little knight got exactly what he wished for.
“The Knights of the Kids’ Table” is a 554-word, humorous myth set in a time when swords were silly, and playing cards were the hottest toy. Little readers will be sure to chuckle when they learn the unlikeliest and silliest way some of today’s gaseous gags were coined.
So what do you think? Would You Read It? YES, MAYBE or NO?
If your answer is YES, please feel free to tell us what you particularly liked and why the pitch piqued your interest. If your answer is MAYBE or NO, please feel free to tell us what you think could be better in the spirit of helping Gail improve her pitch. Helpful examples of possible alternate wordings are welcome. (However, I must ask that comments be constructive and respectful. I reserve the right not to publish comments that are mean because that is not what this is about.)
Please send YOUR pitches for the coming weeks! For rules and where to submit, click on this link Would You Read It or on the Would You Read It tab in the bar above. There are openings in January so you've got a little time to polish up your pitches and send yours for your chance to be read by editor Erin Molta!
Gail is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to Spring :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!!! :)
Gail is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to Spring :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!!! :)
November 17, 2014
Whistle A Happy Tune
Good Monday, All!
So nice of you to pop by!
Remember on Friday I told you I had exciting news to share?
I'm guessing that's why you're here.
Because of the exciting news I promised.
I said, "Come on over as soon as you wake up!"
And look! Here you are!
You're so wonderful :)
Exciting news!
Guess what I did?
No, really! Guess!
Never mind. I'll tell you.
I made up a song!
It's true!
Want to hear it?
Well, not actually hear it - I didn't have time to make a video or a recording - but hear it in the sense that I can tell you the tune and the words and you can imagine me singing it to you...
Yes? Are you ready?
Okay. The tune is "The Bear Went Over The Mountain" (because I live on a mountain, as you may recall, and I saw a bear a little over a week ago, which you may also recall.)
OH. . . !!!!!!!
The dog went over the mountain
The dog went over the mountain
The dog went over the mounTAIN....
Because she saw a bear!
Thank you. Thank you very much!
So, what do you think?
Are you amazed?
I'm pretty amazed with myself, I have to tell you. It's not every day someone writes a song like that! (Hey! Did someone say, "Thank goodness!"? I heard that! Keep it nice, people. We can't all be as musically gifted as I am, but that's no reason to unleash the green-eyed monster!)
So I can now add "Songwriter" to my resume!
Happy sigh :)
Alrighty. See you on Wednesday for Would You Read It.
Unless you've got nothing to do right now. . .
. . . and you're feeling reluctant to leave because you enjoyed my song so much that you want to hear it again. . .
. . . and you're also thinking that maybe... just MAYBE... you'd like to hear about. . .
(Oh, golly! That was fun while it lasted! Hehehe!). . .
So nice of you to pop by!
Remember on Friday I told you I had exciting news to share?
I'm guessing that's why you're here.
Because of the exciting news I promised.
I said, "Come on over as soon as you wake up!"
And look! Here you are!
You're so wonderful :)
Exciting news!
Guess what I did?
No, really! Guess!
Never mind. I'll tell you.
I made up a song!
It's true!
Want to hear it?
Well, not actually hear it - I didn't have time to make a video or a recording - but hear it in the sense that I can tell you the tune and the words and you can imagine me singing it to you...
Yes? Are you ready?
Okay. The tune is "The Bear Went Over The Mountain" (because I live on a mountain, as you may recall, and I saw a bear a little over a week ago, which you may also recall.)
OH. . . !!!!!!!
The dog went over the mountain
The dog went over the mountain
The dog went over the mounTAIN....
Because she saw a bear!
Thank you. Thank you very much!
So, what do you think?
Are you amazed?
I'm pretty amazed with myself, I have to tell you. It's not every day someone writes a song like that! (Hey! Did someone say, "Thank goodness!"? I heard that! Keep it nice, people. We can't all be as musically gifted as I am, but that's no reason to unleash the green-eyed monster!)
So I can now add "Songwriter" to my resume!
Happy sigh :)
Alrighty. See you on Wednesday for Would You Read It.
Unless you've got nothing to do right now. . .
. . . and you're feeling reluctant to leave because you enjoyed my song so much that you want to hear it again. . .
. . . and you're also thinking that maybe... just MAYBE... you'd like to hear about. . .
(Oh, golly! That was fun while it lasted! Hehehe!). . .
The 4th Annual Holiday Contest!!!!
![]() |
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! |
Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
The Contest: Write a children's story (children here defined as approximately age 12 and under) in which wild weather impacts the holidays! Your story may be poetry or prose, silly or serious or sweet, religious or not, based on Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or whatever you celebrate, but is not to exceed 350 words (I know! So much freedom after the Halloweensie Contest :)) (It can be as short as you like, but no more than 350!) Any kind of weather will do: sun, rain, sleet, heatwave, blizzard, tsunami, monsoon, hurricane, hail, tornado, etc! Weather may be atypical for your setting (rain in Maine, frost in Florida), it may be extreme (blizzard instead of regular snow, drought instead of lush greenery), or it may be unheard of (spring flowers in Antarctica, snow in the Sahara, bathing suit weather at the North Pole), but whatever you choose, make us feel the impact on the holidays! The wild weather may be a hindrance, a wish-come-true, a threat, a pleasant surprise, etc. The field is wide open! Have fun! The wilder and wackier the better! No illustration notes please. (And yes, if you feel compelled to submit more than one entry you may, just remember you're competing against yourself!)
Post: Your entry should be posted on your blog between Monday December 8 and Friday December 12 at 11:59 PM EST, and your post-specific link should be added to the link list on the official holiday contest post which will go up on my blog on Monday December 8 and remain up through Sunday December 14 (no WYRI or PPBF during that week.) If you don't have a blog but would like to enter, please copy and paste your entry into the comments on my December 8th post. (If anyone has trouble commenting, which unfortunately happens, please email me and I'll post your entry for you!)
The Judging: My lovely assistant(s) and I will narrow down the entrants to 10-12 finalists (depending on the number of entries) which will be posted here on either Monday December 15 or Tuesday December 16 (depending on the number of entries :)) for you to vote on for a winner. The vote will be closed on Thursday December 18 at 5 PM EST and the winners will be announced on Friday December 19. Whoever gets the most votes will be first and so on down to tenth place. Judging criteria will be kid appeal/kid-friendliness, creativity of weather use in plot, quality of story, quality of writing, and originality.
The Prizes!: Well, I hope these prizes are going to knock your socks off!!! In the spirit of the holidays, winners will be named for 1st - 10th place. In addition to the incredible fame of being able to say you won (or placed in) the Pretty Much World Famous 4th Annual Holiday Contest, the following AMAZING prizes will be awarded: (items in color are links for more info!)
- A picture book manuscript read and critique by Shari Dash Greenspan, Editor of the multi-award winning Flashlight Press! I encourage you to sign up for their newsletter HERE!
- A picture book manuscript read and critique by Jennifer Mattson, Agent at Andrea Brown Literary Agency!
- Enrollment in Renee LaTulippe's highly praised and recommended Lyrical Language Lab Course (in a month to be mutually agreed upon by the winner and Renee) ($249 value!)
- Enrollment in Jon Bard and Laura Backes's fantastic Kindle Kids Mastery Course ($197 value!)
- Enrollment in Making Picture Book Magic (my online picture book writing class - in March or a later month to be mutually agreed upon by the winner and me)
- A picture book manuscript critique by fabulous author Amy Dixon, author of MARATHON MOUSE and the forthcoming SOPHIE'S ANIMAL PARADE.
- (Hopefully) 2 or 3 PB MS Critiques from other fabulous authors - TBA
- 2015 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market, a signed copy of Boy And Poi Poi Puppy by Linda Boyden, and a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
- a pack of Deb Lund's amazing Fiction Magic Cards
- another pack of Deb Lund's amazing Fiction Magic Cards
I can't thank these editors, agents, authors, and other industry professionals enough for their incredible generosity! Please visit their sites, spread the word of their classes, buy and recommend their books to your friends with kids, and show your appreciation to them in any way you can!
And now! Sharpen those pencils! Top off those coffee mugs! Get those derrieres in your chairs! And start writing those prize-winning entries!!!
I can't wait for the festivities to begin! :)
- A picture book manuscript read and critique by Shari Dash Greenspan, Editor of the multi-award winning Flashlight Press! I encourage you to sign up for their newsletter HERE!
- A picture book manuscript read and critique by Jennifer Mattson, Agent at Andrea Brown Literary Agency!
- Enrollment in Renee LaTulippe's highly praised and recommended Lyrical Language Lab Course (in a month to be mutually agreed upon by the winner and Renee) ($249 value!)
- Enrollment in Jon Bard and Laura Backes's fantastic Kindle Kids Mastery Course ($197 value!)
- Enrollment in Making Picture Book Magic (my online picture book writing class - in March or a later month to be mutually agreed upon by the winner and me)
- A picture book manuscript critique by fabulous author Amy Dixon, author of MARATHON MOUSE and the forthcoming SOPHIE'S ANIMAL PARADE.
- (Hopefully) 2 or 3 PB MS Critiques from other fabulous authors - TBA
- 2015 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market, a signed copy of Boy And Poi Poi Puppy by Linda Boyden, and a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
- a pack of Deb Lund's amazing Fiction Magic Cards
- another pack of Deb Lund's amazing Fiction Magic Cards
I can't thank these editors, agents, authors, and other industry professionals enough for their incredible generosity! Please visit their sites, spread the word of their classes, buy and recommend their books to your friends with kids, and show your appreciation to them in any way you can!
And now! Sharpen those pencils! Top off those coffee mugs! Get those derrieres in your chairs! And start writing those prize-winning entries!!!
I can't wait for the festivities to begin! :)
November 14, 2014
Perfect Picture Book Friday - The Very Best Pumpkin
Happy Friday, Everyone!
Guess what?
We got snow last night!
Have you had your first snow yet this year?
I'm afraid I wasn't ready with a book about snow, but I do have a lovely story of fall and friendship to share today :)
Title: The Very Best Pumpkin
Written By: Mark Kimball Moulton
Illustrated By: Karen Hillard Good
Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books, August 2010, Fiction
Suitable For Ages: 4-8
Themes/Topics: friendship, seasons (autumn), nature/gardening (pumpkins)
Opening: "Down a winding country lane and over a rolling hill you'll find Pumpkin Hollow Farm, where a young boy named Peter lives with his grandparents, Mimi and Papa."
Brief Synopsis: While caring for pumpkins on his grandparents' farm, Peter discovers a little lonely one all off by itself. He takes special care of it, and it grows into a beautiful perfect pumpkin. Will he save it for himself? Or give it to someone special?
Links To Resources: the back of the book has "Peter's Guide To Growing Your Own Very Best Pumpkin"; easy recipe for pumpkin bread; Jack-O-Lantern and Pumpkin Coloring Pages; go for a walk and look for signs of autumn; talk about how to make a friend
Why I Like This Book: The story is simple, sweet, and very appealing. Peter tends the pumpkins while Meg, brand new to the neighborhood and given to sitting alone and reading, keeps an interested (but distant) eye on the proceedings. When Meg comes to the pumpkin farm to pick a pumpkin, she can't find the right one... until Peter leads her out to his special pumpkin (which he has carefully saved, knowing she has been there watching) and gives it to her - the beginning of a beautiful friendship. The art is warm, and inviting - full of charm and homey details. All around, a comforting and cozy read. And you get to learn a little something about growing pumpkins as an added bonus :)
For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.
Before we all go off to read everyone's wonderful selections for the week, I want to thank you all for your kind and supportive comments on Wednesday. Such thoughtfulness and friendship truly make dealing with rejection easier, and your kindness meant so much to me. And I just want you to know that I didn't write that post with the intent of getting sympathy - I wanted to share the things that matter to me, the things I love about my writing life, along with the reality of this path we've chosen. I wanted other writers not to feel alone on their hard days because we all have them. And I wanted people to know that rejection can happen at any stage in your writing career - it's not just for those who are new to the publishing world! It just goes with the territory. And maybe the rejections help us savor the acceptances just that much more, the disappointments making the joy that much sweeter. All that said, I very much appreciated your sympathy and feel lucky to have such friends! :) And I hope any of you who gets an acceptance will come over here and shout it from the rooftops so we can all celebrate with you! :)
Oh! And one more thing! On Monday (good lord willing and the creek don't rise!) I will have a special post to share with y'all! It's something good... something exciting... something full of potential goodies... so you won't want to miss it! Come right over when you wake up on Monday!!!
PPBF bloggers please be sure to leave your post-specific link in the list below so we can all come visit you!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!!! :)
Guess what?
We got snow last night!
Have you had your first snow yet this year?
I'm afraid I wasn't ready with a book about snow, but I do have a lovely story of fall and friendship to share today :)
Title: The Very Best Pumpkin
Written By: Mark Kimball Moulton
Illustrated By: Karen Hillard Good
Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books, August 2010, Fiction
Suitable For Ages: 4-8
Themes/Topics: friendship, seasons (autumn), nature/gardening (pumpkins)
Opening: "Down a winding country lane and over a rolling hill you'll find Pumpkin Hollow Farm, where a young boy named Peter lives with his grandparents, Mimi and Papa."
Brief Synopsis: While caring for pumpkins on his grandparents' farm, Peter discovers a little lonely one all off by itself. He takes special care of it, and it grows into a beautiful perfect pumpkin. Will he save it for himself? Or give it to someone special?
Links To Resources: the back of the book has "Peter's Guide To Growing Your Own Very Best Pumpkin"; easy recipe for pumpkin bread; Jack-O-Lantern and Pumpkin Coloring Pages; go for a walk and look for signs of autumn; talk about how to make a friend
Why I Like This Book: The story is simple, sweet, and very appealing. Peter tends the pumpkins while Meg, brand new to the neighborhood and given to sitting alone and reading, keeps an interested (but distant) eye on the proceedings. When Meg comes to the pumpkin farm to pick a pumpkin, she can't find the right one... until Peter leads her out to his special pumpkin (which he has carefully saved, knowing she has been there watching) and gives it to her - the beginning of a beautiful friendship. The art is warm, and inviting - full of charm and homey details. All around, a comforting and cozy read. And you get to learn a little something about growing pumpkins as an added bonus :)
For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.
Before we all go off to read everyone's wonderful selections for the week, I want to thank you all for your kind and supportive comments on Wednesday. Such thoughtfulness and friendship truly make dealing with rejection easier, and your kindness meant so much to me. And I just want you to know that I didn't write that post with the intent of getting sympathy - I wanted to share the things that matter to me, the things I love about my writing life, along with the reality of this path we've chosen. I wanted other writers not to feel alone on their hard days because we all have them. And I wanted people to know that rejection can happen at any stage in your writing career - it's not just for those who are new to the publishing world! It just goes with the territory. And maybe the rejections help us savor the acceptances just that much more, the disappointments making the joy that much sweeter. All that said, I very much appreciated your sympathy and feel lucky to have such friends! :) And I hope any of you who gets an acceptance will come over here and shout it from the rooftops so we can all celebrate with you! :)
Oh! And one more thing! On Monday (good lord willing and the creek don't rise!) I will have a special post to share with y'all! It's something good... something exciting... something full of potential goodies... so you won't want to miss it! Come right over when you wake up on Monday!!!
PPBF bloggers please be sure to leave your post-specific link in the list below so we can all come visit you!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!!! :)
November 12, 2014
Would You Read It Wednesday #152 - Hubert's Dreadful Allergies (PB)
Good morning, merry sunshines :)
I don't know about you guys, but I love this writing life.
I feel so lucky that it's what I get to do.
I get up at 5:20, when the world is dark and peaceful.
I get to take my dogs for a run on this quiet, pretty road as soon as it's light enough to see.
Sometimes I see these guys (though of course they're older now :))
Hopefully, I don't meet this guy
but as you know from Friday's post, I do run into him occasionally :)
I get to drive my daughter to school - a little time we get to chat each morning - and then go feed the horses, turn them out, and do the barn (and what could be better than hanging around with horses?) :)
Then I come home, ignore my office :) and work at my sunny kitchen table (of which I apparently do not have a picture :))
I set my own schedule, which allows me to be there for my family all the time.
And I am lucky enough to work at something that, though challenging and prone to making me tear my hair out from time to time :) doesn't really feel like work. I invent characters, and imagine settings and play with language. As I tell kids on school visits, I get to make up stories all day long - as jobs go, pretty awesome.
So when I have days like yesterday - days when the rejections come in an avalanche - literally! (some mischievous aligning of the stars that makes every editor respond negatively on the same day!) - days when I question whether I really have any right to be doing this at all, whether I have any ability for this career that I've chosen, whether somehow I have wandered onto a path that isn't mine to travel - I try to remember all the things I love about this writing life so I don't lose my perspective entirely.
It's so easy to feel discouraged.
But if you can find the courage to dust yourself off, go for a morning run, and sit yourself right back down at that kitchen table, it's also easier than you'd think to try again.
So for anyone else who had that kind of day yesterday - or any day :) - here's to optimism and inspiration and trying again. Who knows? This could be the day we get our best idea yet :)
And of course, around here, we raise our glasses with Something Chocolate :)
Dig in :) (Remember, a healthy breakfast is essential to a productive day - and what could be healthier than cocoa beans (vegetables!) and milk (protein and calcium!)?)
How do you cope with the hard days? Because let's face it - in this business, we all have them! That's one of the things that makes them bearable - knowing that we're in good company :)
Now then! Onward to a good day and Would You Read It!
Today's pitch comes to us from Heather. Several years ago, Heather Kinser was a Silicon Valley proofreader/editor. Now she’s the mother of two amazing girls, a charter school volunteer, a breast cancer survivor, a long-term writer’s group member—and a wanna-be children’s book author. She keeps her head in the clouds and sand in her shoes. She lives with her husband and children in beautiful Redwood City, California (“Climate Best by Government Test”).
If you'd like, you can go show her some love on her brand new blog! http://troubadourmoon.weebly.com/
Here is her pitch:
Working Title: Hubert's Dreadful Allergies
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 4-8)
The Pitch: Aunt Lottie’s fancy luncheon party is in full swing when her highly allergic dog, Hubert, walks in and sniffs the flowers. What happens next is a riot of mishaps that eventually sends the proper party guests on a crazy chase, with Hubert leading the way.
So what do you think? Would You Read It? YES, MAYBE or NO?
I don't know about you guys, but I love this writing life.
I feel so lucky that it's what I get to do.
I get up at 5:20, when the world is dark and peaceful.
I get to take my dogs for a run on this quiet, pretty road as soon as it's light enough to see.
Sometimes I see these guys (though of course they're older now :))
Hopefully, I don't meet this guy
but as you know from Friday's post, I do run into him occasionally :)
I get to drive my daughter to school - a little time we get to chat each morning - and then go feed the horses, turn them out, and do the barn (and what could be better than hanging around with horses?) :)
Then I come home, ignore my office :) and work at my sunny kitchen table (of which I apparently do not have a picture :))
I set my own schedule, which allows me to be there for my family all the time.
And I am lucky enough to work at something that, though challenging and prone to making me tear my hair out from time to time :) doesn't really feel like work. I invent characters, and imagine settings and play with language. As I tell kids on school visits, I get to make up stories all day long - as jobs go, pretty awesome.
So when I have days like yesterday - days when the rejections come in an avalanche - literally! (some mischievous aligning of the stars that makes every editor respond negatively on the same day!) - days when I question whether I really have any right to be doing this at all, whether I have any ability for this career that I've chosen, whether somehow I have wandered onto a path that isn't mine to travel - I try to remember all the things I love about this writing life so I don't lose my perspective entirely.
It's so easy to feel discouraged.
But if you can find the courage to dust yourself off, go for a morning run, and sit yourself right back down at that kitchen table, it's also easier than you'd think to try again.
So for anyone else who had that kind of day yesterday - or any day :) - here's to optimism and inspiration and trying again. Who knows? This could be the day we get our best idea yet :)
And of course, around here, we raise our glasses with Something Chocolate :)
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Recipe for this gorgeous creation HERE |
How do you cope with the hard days? Because let's face it - in this business, we all have them! That's one of the things that makes them bearable - knowing that we're in good company :)
Now then! Onward to a good day and Would You Read It!
Today's pitch comes to us from Heather. Several years ago, Heather Kinser was a Silicon Valley proofreader/editor. Now she’s the mother of two amazing girls, a charter school volunteer, a breast cancer survivor, a long-term writer’s group member—and a wanna-be children’s book author. She keeps her head in the clouds and sand in her shoes. She lives with her husband and children in beautiful Redwood City, California (“Climate Best by Government Test”).
If you'd like, you can go show her some love on her brand new blog! http://troubadourmoon.weebly.com/
Here is her pitch:
Working Title: Hubert's Dreadful Allergies
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 4-8)
The Pitch: Aunt Lottie’s fancy luncheon party is in full swing when her highly allergic dog, Hubert, walks in and sniffs the flowers. What happens next is a riot of mishaps that eventually sends the proper party guests on a crazy chase, with Hubert leading the way.
So what do you think? Would You Read It? YES, MAYBE or NO?
If your answer is YES, please feel free to tell us what you particularly liked and why the pitch piqued your interest. If your answer is MAYBE or NO, please feel free to tell us what you think could be better in the spirit of helping Heather improve her pitch. Helpful examples of possible alternate wordings are welcome. (However, I must ask that comments be constructive and respectful. I reserve the right not to publish comments that are mean because that is not what this is about.)
Please send YOUR pitches for the coming weeks! For rules and where to submit, click on this link Would You Read It or on the Would You Read It tab in the bar above. There are openings in January so you've got a little time to polish up your pitches and send yours for your chance to be read by editor Erin Molta!
Heather is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to a new idea. I don't know what it will be. I don't know when it will come. But I'm going to get busy so the idea doesn't think I'm just waiting around for it. When it ventures near, I'll be careful not to look at it or acknowledge it in any way. (Ideas are shy and easily scared.) After a while, it will get a little annoyed that I'm not paying it any mind, and it will come right over and nudge me to get my attention. And then I'll have it right where I want it :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!!! :)
Heather is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to a new idea. I don't know what it will be. I don't know when it will come. But I'm going to get busy so the idea doesn't think I'm just waiting around for it. When it ventures near, I'll be careful not to look at it or acknowledge it in any way. (Ideas are shy and easily scared.) After a while, it will get a little annoyed that I'm not paying it any mind, and it will come right over and nudge me to get my attention. And then I'll have it right where I want it :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!!! :)
November 7, 2014
Perfect Picture Book Friday - Little Blue Truck
I don't know about you, but I'm glad it's Friday! This week has been long and busy! I'm plumb tuckered out! (That's Little House On The Prairie speak for "tired" :))
I'm so plumb tuckered that I might even be able to sleep without sheep... but in case you can't, now thru Nov. 23, CAN'T SLEEP WITOUT SHEEP is a Kindle Big Deal at only $1.99! so I thought I'd mention it in case any of y'all would like a copy... or know anyone who would :) ow.ly/DYFLA
Today's character is not plumb tuckered out, though. He is busy and helpful :)
Title: Little Blue Truck
Written By: Alice Schertle
Illustrated By: Jill McElmurry
Harcourt Children's Books, 2008, Fiction
Suitable For Ages: 3-7
Themes/Topics: friendship, helping, animals
Opening: "Horn went "BEEP!"
Engine purred.
Friendliest sounds
you ever heard.
Little Blue Truck
came down the road.
"BEEP!" said Blue
to a big green toad."
Brief Synopsis: A friendly Little Blue Truck drives down a country road, beeping hello to everyone he passes - a toad, a sheep, a cow, a piggy, etc. All is well until a self-important dump truck comes along, shouldering everyone out of the way. When the dump truck gets mired in the mud, it's up to Little Blue and his animal friends to help out even though the dump truck hadn't been very nice to them.
Links To Resources: draw and color in your own Little Blue Truck (or truck of any color of your choosing :)) and add in any animals that YOU would like to include in your journey; talk about what it means to be a friend; talk about the importance of helping others, even if they don't help you; K-5 Teaching Guide to Being Friends
Why I Like This Book: This is a cute, fun book that will entertain toddlers through young elementary schoolers. The beginning has lots of fun animals sounds to join in on and practice, and the rhythm of the text mimics the rhythm of the Little Blue Truck bounding down the road. The end has a nice message about friendship and helping others. The pictures are cute and friendly and warm - perfect for this lively little book :)
For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.
Apropos of nothing, Linda Boyden (who always posts awesome stuff!) posted a picture on FB a few days ago of a bear charging down the middle of a road. The picture said, "Not a runner? Now you are!" (I'd post it here, but I'd probably be breaking every copyright rule in the book!) Anyway, I had to laugh, because I saw the picture yesterday, and then this morning when I was out "running" with my dogs, guess who we saw? THE BEAR! We were all pretty surprised. There was a lot of barking (Scout) and pleading (me saying, "Scouty, PLEASE! Leave that bear alone and come HERE RIGHT NOW!") and lumbering off into the bushes thank goodness (the bear), but golly, that'll get the ole heart pounding at 6 AM!
So I know that has nothing whatsoever to do with Perfect Picture Book Friday or the book I'm sharing today, but I had to tell SOMEONE! :)
PPBF bloggers please be sure to leave your post-specific link in the list below so we can all come visit you!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :)
I don't know about you, but I'm glad it's Friday! This week has been long and busy! I'm plumb tuckered out! (That's Little House On The Prairie speak for "tired" :))
I'm so plumb tuckered that I might even be able to sleep without sheep... but in case you can't, now thru Nov. 23, CAN'T SLEEP WITOUT SHEEP is a Kindle Big Deal at only $1.99! so I thought I'd mention it in case any of y'all would like a copy... or know anyone who would :) ow.ly/DYFLA
Today's character is not plumb tuckered out, though. He is busy and helpful :)
Title: Little Blue Truck
Written By: Alice Schertle
Illustrated By: Jill McElmurry
Harcourt Children's Books, 2008, Fiction
Suitable For Ages: 3-7
Themes/Topics: friendship, helping, animals
Opening: "Horn went "BEEP!"
Engine purred.
Friendliest sounds
you ever heard.
Little Blue Truck
came down the road.
"BEEP!" said Blue
to a big green toad."
Brief Synopsis: A friendly Little Blue Truck drives down a country road, beeping hello to everyone he passes - a toad, a sheep, a cow, a piggy, etc. All is well until a self-important dump truck comes along, shouldering everyone out of the way. When the dump truck gets mired in the mud, it's up to Little Blue and his animal friends to help out even though the dump truck hadn't been very nice to them.
Links To Resources: draw and color in your own Little Blue Truck (or truck of any color of your choosing :)) and add in any animals that YOU would like to include in your journey; talk about what it means to be a friend; talk about the importance of helping others, even if they don't help you; K-5 Teaching Guide to Being Friends
Why I Like This Book: This is a cute, fun book that will entertain toddlers through young elementary schoolers. The beginning has lots of fun animals sounds to join in on and practice, and the rhythm of the text mimics the rhythm of the Little Blue Truck bounding down the road. The end has a nice message about friendship and helping others. The pictures are cute and friendly and warm - perfect for this lively little book :)
For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.
Apropos of nothing, Linda Boyden (who always posts awesome stuff!) posted a picture on FB a few days ago of a bear charging down the middle of a road. The picture said, "Not a runner? Now you are!" (I'd post it here, but I'd probably be breaking every copyright rule in the book!) Anyway, I had to laugh, because I saw the picture yesterday, and then this morning when I was out "running" with my dogs, guess who we saw? THE BEAR! We were all pretty surprised. There was a lot of barking (Scout) and pleading (me saying, "Scouty, PLEASE! Leave that bear alone and come HERE RIGHT NOW!") and lumbering off into the bushes thank goodness (the bear), but golly, that'll get the ole heart pounding at 6 AM!
So I know that has nothing whatsoever to do with Perfect Picture Book Friday or the book I'm sharing today, but I had to tell SOMEONE! :)
PPBF bloggers please be sure to leave your post-specific link in the list below so we can all come visit you!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :)
November 5, 2014
Would You Read It Wednesday #151 - Just Like Us (PB)
Due to all the flurry and excitement and extensive reading involved in the Halloweensie Contest, I'm going to take pity on you today and present nothing but Something Chocolate and Would You Read It.
No amusing anecdotes from my childhood.
No tales of adventure from the wilds of Blueberry Hill.
No witty musings on life.
(Well, okay, I don't really ever have those :))
Just one thing before you get your snack: if you haven't had a chance to vote yet for your favorite Halloweensie Contest finalist, you have until 5 PM and we really need all the votes we can get. The top contenders keep being tied. So please go HERE (and encourage your neighbors and your grandmother and your mailman to stop over, read the entries and pick their favorite too!)
Wasn't that so quick? And now your reward....
Something Chocolate!
Hold onto your dental work...
I LOVE toffee! Truly, I think it is one of the best inventions ever. Help yourselves! Tell me if you agree! :)
Now then, today's pitch comes to us from Maria who says, "I am a pre-published author and roommate of two loving, adorable Pixiebob cats. Recently granted a chance to decide "what I wanted to be when I grew up," I began actively pursuing my my love of writing (a path on hold for the past ten years, while I raised my kids). I renewed my SCBWI membership, joined Julie Hedlund's 12x12 forum, and Kid Lit Summer School, took numerous writing courses, found awesome critique groups, and attendeded conferences."
Here is her pitch:
Working Title: Just Like Us
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 2-6)
The Pitch: As children frolic through and around a park playground, glimpses of two bear cubs mimicking their fun can be seen, partially obscured on each page. Both the bears and children roll down a hill, play on the equipment, and dig for treasure. But in the end, who is watching whom.
So what do you think? Would You Read It? YES, MAYBE or NO?
No amusing anecdotes from my childhood.
No tales of adventure from the wilds of Blueberry Hill.
No witty musings on life.
(Well, okay, I don't really ever have those :))
Just one thing before you get your snack: if you haven't had a chance to vote yet for your favorite Halloweensie Contest finalist, you have until 5 PM and we really need all the votes we can get. The top contenders keep being tied. So please go HERE (and encourage your neighbors and your grandmother and your mailman to stop over, read the entries and pick their favorite too!)
Wasn't that so quick? And now your reward....
Something Chocolate!
Hold onto your dental work...
![]() |
Recipe HERE http://damndelicious.net/2013/12/11/easy-homemade-toffee/ |
Now then, today's pitch comes to us from Maria who says, "I am a pre-published author and roommate of two loving, adorable Pixiebob cats. Recently granted a chance to decide "what I wanted to be when I grew up," I began actively pursuing my my love of writing (a path on hold for the past ten years, while I raised my kids). I renewed my SCBWI membership, joined Julie Hedlund's 12x12 forum, and Kid Lit Summer School, took numerous writing courses, found awesome critique groups, and attendeded conferences."
Here is her pitch:
Working Title: Just Like Us
Age/Genre: Picture Book (ages 2-6)
The Pitch: As children frolic through and around a park playground, glimpses of two bear cubs mimicking their fun can be seen, partially obscured on each page. Both the bears and children roll down a hill, play on the equipment, and dig for treasure. But in the end, who is watching whom.
So what do you think? Would You Read It? YES, MAYBE or NO?
If your answer is YES, please feel free to tell us what you particularly liked and why the pitch piqued your interest. If your answer is MAYBE or NO, please feel free to tell us what you think could be better in the spirit of helping Maria improve her pitch. Helpful examples of possible alternate wordings are welcome. (However, I must ask that comments be constructive and respectful. I reserve the right not to publish comments that are mean because that is not what this is about.)
Please send YOUR pitches for the coming weeks! For rules and where to submit, click on this link Would You Read It or on the Would You Read It tab in the bar above. There are openings in January, right after the holidays, so you've got a little time to polish up your pitches and send yours for your chance to be read by editor Erin Molta!
Maria is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to announcing the Halloweensie Contest winners TOMORROW!!! I know! The excitement! The anticipation! Who will it be?????
Tune in and find out! :)
Have a wonderful and toffee-filled Wednesday, everyone!
Maria is looking forward to your thoughts on her pitch! I am looking forward to announcing the Halloweensie Contest winners TOMORROW!!! I know! The excitement! The anticipation! Who will it be?????
Tune in and find out! :)
Have a wonderful and toffee-filled Wednesday, everyone!
November 3, 2014
The 2014 Halloweensie Contest Finalists - VOTE For Your Favorite!!!
Holy Jack-O-Lanterns, Batman!
Look at me! A mere shadow of my former self!
A pumpkin who has fallen off her creaky broomstick!
Wrung out and harrowed after an entire weekend of trying to decide how to rank the incredible entries y'all submitted for Halloweensie 2014. What a job!!!
It's a miracle I'm even here to tell the tale!
Thank goodness for the sustaining chocolate provided (via Face Book) by Joanna and Kathy :) Thank you both, from the bottom of my chocolate-loving heart! (And no, they did not receive "special consideration" for their entries as a result - they are both just lovely people who didn't want me or my assistant judges to keel over :))
And speaking of the assistant judges, I had to call in a fourth! I'm not kidding!
Because here's the deal: we had the biggest turn out we've ever had in terms of number of entries - 132! - and the overall quality of the entries was fantastic. Really, it is readily apparent that the quality of entries in these contests is improving every time. This means there are fewer standouts, almost none that are easy to cut, and there a LOT of pretty good ones that we have to get very nit-picky over! It is agony, I tell you!
Before we get to the actual list of finalists, I have a couple things to say. (I know you're shocked :))
First of all, I want to thank EVERYONE who took the time and care to write an entry for this contest. You all did a fabulous job and provided great enjoyment for many!
Second, I'd also like to thank EVERYONE - writer, reader, or both - who took the time to go around and read as many entries as you could and leave supportive comments. This means so much to the writers who worked hard on their stories. It helps them see what they did well, as well as giving them the joy of knowing that their stories were read and enjoyed. I hope you all got as much delight and entertainment out of the reading as I did! Plus, we got to meet quite a few new people which was a wonderful added bonus! :)
Third, before I list the finalists, I want to say again how difficult it was too choose! There were so many amazing entries. Really. I could find at least something terrific about every single one. The sheer volume of entries meant that many good ones had to be cut. So if yours didn't make the final cut please don't feel bad. There was a huge amount of competition. Judging, no matter how hard we try to be objective, is always subjective at a certain point - we all have our own preferences for what makes a great story. And the fact that you didn't make the final cut DOES NOT mean you didn't write a great story. Everyone who plonked their butt in a chair and worked hard to write a story for this contest is a winner! You showed up. You did your best work. You practiced your craft. You wrote to specifications and a deadline. You bravely shared your writing with the world. And you have a brand new story that is now yours to expand beyond 100 words if you like and maybe submit at some point to a magazine or as a PB manuscript. So bravo to everyone who entered!
Now. Onto the judging criteria which were as follows:
1. Kid-appeal! - These stories are intended for a young audience, so entries that were well-written but lacked child-friendliness did not make the cut.
2. Halloweeniness - the rules stated a Halloween story, so entries that failed to mention anything Halloween-y did not make the cut even if they were well-written.
3. Quality of story - the rules stated that entries were to tell a story, so if they appeared to be more of a description or mood piece, they didn't make the cut. We looked for a true story arc.
4. Quality of Writing: we took note of spelling, grammar, punctuation etc. In addition, for the rhymers, we looked at rhyme and meter (for which we are sticklers!) We also looked at overall writing quality and use of language.
5. Originality and creativity - because that is often what sets one story above another.
This time around, 5 entries sadly had to be cut because of rule problems: one was 3 words over the word limit (I counted 6 times, by hand and with Microsoft Word's word count tool, because it was otherwise a strong entry! but 131 other people managed to stay at 100 or under so I had to be strict!); two used "broom" but not "broomstick"; and 2 did not use "creak" in any form. (And yes, I checked the word count on all 132 entries and made sure the required words were present.)
After that, the going really got tough. Some of the stronger stories were written in rhyme where the meter didn't work as well as it needed to. Some of the most beautiful rhyming entries with great use of language were more mood pieces than stories. So we had to make some very hard calls.
Without further ado, I present to you the 2014 Halloweensie Contest Finalists. A baker's dozen - 13 for Halloween! :) A mix of poetry and prose, stories for younger readers and slightly older (but still kid) readers, funny, spooky, and cute. Please read through them carefully, take your time, think it over, and vote for your favorite. To help with objectivity, finalists are listed by title only, not by author.
And I'd like to be very clear about the voting process. You are MOST welcome to share a link to this post on FB, twitter, or wherever you like to hang out, and encourage people to come read ALL the finalists and vote for the one they think is best. Please do that. The more people who read and enjoy these stories the better, and the more objective votes we get the better. HOWEVER (and I want to be very clear on this) please do not ask people to vote for a specific number or title, or for the story about the pumpkin ballerina or whatever. Trolling for votes or trying to influence the outcome is counter to the spirit of this competition which is supposed to be based on merit. I thank you in advance for respecting this.
#1 Halloween SMS (Short Messaging Scariness)

#2 Creaky Cackle
#4 Home Alone Halloween
I came home from school very excited. Halloween, my favorite day of the year.
#6 This Year's Halloween Mascot
#7 Halloween Chase
#8 Halloween Hide-and-Go-Seek
It’s Halloween! It’s dark, it’s spooky, it’s perfect for a game of Halloween Hide-and-Go-Seek!
Blurp! Bloop! Blub!
Are you in the cauldron?
No, just some toadstool stew.
Rustle! Swish! Swoosh!
Are you in the closet?
No, just an old broomstick.
Creak! Crack! Bang!
Are you behind the curtains?
No, it’s just the wind blowing the windows open and closed.
Scritch! Scratch! Raow!
Are you behind the chair?
No, just the cat settling down.
Giggle, Giggle
Are you upstairs?
Are you in the bedroom?
There are my little pumpkins!
You’ve had your trick, now how about your treat?
#9 The Shadow
Now that you've had a chance to read through the finalists, please vote for the entry you feel deserves to win in the poll below by 5PM EST Wednesday November 5.
Tune in Thursday November 6 to see THE WINNERS!!!
Look at me! A mere shadow of my former self!
A pumpkin who has fallen off her creaky broomstick!
Wrung out and harrowed after an entire weekend of trying to decide how to rank the incredible entries y'all submitted for Halloweensie 2014. What a job!!!
It's a miracle I'm even here to tell the tale!
Thank goodness for the sustaining chocolate provided (via Face Book) by Joanna and Kathy :) Thank you both, from the bottom of my chocolate-loving heart! (And no, they did not receive "special consideration" for their entries as a result - they are both just lovely people who didn't want me or my assistant judges to keel over :))
And speaking of the assistant judges, I had to call in a fourth! I'm not kidding!
Because here's the deal: we had the biggest turn out we've ever had in terms of number of entries - 132! - and the overall quality of the entries was fantastic. Really, it is readily apparent that the quality of entries in these contests is improving every time. This means there are fewer standouts, almost none that are easy to cut, and there a LOT of pretty good ones that we have to get very nit-picky over! It is agony, I tell you!
Before we get to the actual list of finalists, I have a couple things to say. (I know you're shocked :))
First of all, I want to thank EVERYONE who took the time and care to write an entry for this contest. You all did a fabulous job and provided great enjoyment for many!
Second, I'd also like to thank EVERYONE - writer, reader, or both - who took the time to go around and read as many entries as you could and leave supportive comments. This means so much to the writers who worked hard on their stories. It helps them see what they did well, as well as giving them the joy of knowing that their stories were read and enjoyed. I hope you all got as much delight and entertainment out of the reading as I did! Plus, we got to meet quite a few new people which was a wonderful added bonus! :)
Third, before I list the finalists, I want to say again how difficult it was too choose! There were so many amazing entries. Really. I could find at least something terrific about every single one. The sheer volume of entries meant that many good ones had to be cut. So if yours didn't make the final cut please don't feel bad. There was a huge amount of competition. Judging, no matter how hard we try to be objective, is always subjective at a certain point - we all have our own preferences for what makes a great story. And the fact that you didn't make the final cut DOES NOT mean you didn't write a great story. Everyone who plonked their butt in a chair and worked hard to write a story for this contest is a winner! You showed up. You did your best work. You practiced your craft. You wrote to specifications and a deadline. You bravely shared your writing with the world. And you have a brand new story that is now yours to expand beyond 100 words if you like and maybe submit at some point to a magazine or as a PB manuscript. So bravo to everyone who entered!
Now. Onto the judging criteria which were as follows:
1. Kid-appeal! - These stories are intended for a young audience, so entries that were well-written but lacked child-friendliness did not make the cut.
2. Halloweeniness - the rules stated a Halloween story, so entries that failed to mention anything Halloween-y did not make the cut even if they were well-written.
3. Quality of story - the rules stated that entries were to tell a story, so if they appeared to be more of a description or mood piece, they didn't make the cut. We looked for a true story arc.
4. Quality of Writing: we took note of spelling, grammar, punctuation etc. In addition, for the rhymers, we looked at rhyme and meter (for which we are sticklers!) We also looked at overall writing quality and use of language.
5. Originality and creativity - because that is often what sets one story above another.
This time around, 5 entries sadly had to be cut because of rule problems: one was 3 words over the word limit (I counted 6 times, by hand and with Microsoft Word's word count tool, because it was otherwise a strong entry! but 131 other people managed to stay at 100 or under so I had to be strict!); two used "broom" but not "broomstick"; and 2 did not use "creak" in any form. (And yes, I checked the word count on all 132 entries and made sure the required words were present.)
After that, the going really got tough. Some of the stronger stories were written in rhyme where the meter didn't work as well as it needed to. Some of the most beautiful rhyming entries with great use of language were more mood pieces than stories. So we had to make some very hard calls.
Without further ado, I present to you the 2014 Halloweensie Contest Finalists. A baker's dozen - 13 for Halloween! :) A mix of poetry and prose, stories for younger readers and slightly older (but still kid) readers, funny, spooky, and cute. Please read through them carefully, take your time, think it over, and vote for your favorite. To help with objectivity, finalists are listed by title only, not by author.
And I'd like to be very clear about the voting process. You are MOST welcome to share a link to this post on FB, twitter, or wherever you like to hang out, and encourage people to come read ALL the finalists and vote for the one they think is best. Please do that. The more people who read and enjoy these stories the better, and the more objective votes we get the better. HOWEVER (and I want to be very clear on this) please do not ask people to vote for a specific number or title, or for the story about the pumpkin ballerina or whatever. Trolling for votes or trying to influence the outcome is counter to the spirit of this competition which is supposed to be based on merit. I thank you in advance for respecting this.
#1 Halloween SMS (Short Messaging Scariness)

#2 Creaky Cackle
Ever since Winnie Witch crashed into a creek, her cackle was creaky.
Ah ha ha…hack…cough, cough…
Hallowe’en hijinks were hindered.
Broomstick in hand, she wobbled into the witch doctor’s office.
“Whoa,” said the doctor as she peered into Winnie’s mouth. “It looks like you’ve got a frog in your throat.”
“Chew this pumpkin lozenge,” the doctor decreed.
“Yuck,” Winnie gagged. Splutter, cough, cough…
Out bounded a bullfrog.
“Ba–ruump,” protested the frog and hopped off.
Ahhh ha ha ha ha…Winnie Witch whooped.
“Stay out of creeks,” the doctor yelled as Winnie Witch bounded off on her broomstick.
#3 Full Moon RisingAh ha ha…hack…cough, cough…
Hallowe’en hijinks were hindered.
Broomstick in hand, she wobbled into the witch doctor’s office.
“Whoa,” said the doctor as she peered into Winnie’s mouth. “It looks like you’ve got a frog in your throat.”
“Chew this pumpkin lozenge,” the doctor decreed.
“Yuck,” Winnie gagged. Splutter, cough, cough…
Out bounded a bullfrog.
“Ba–ruump,” protested the frog and hopped off.
Ahhh ha ha ha ha…Winnie Witch whooped.
“Stay out of creeks,” the doctor yelled as Winnie Witch bounded off on her broomstick.
Full moon rising in the sky,
Owls are hooting, bats fly by.
Owls are hooting, bats fly by.
Mummies moaning in the night,
Goblins groaning give you fright.
Goblins groaning give you fright.
Milo walking down the path,
Up the steps, he hurries fast.
Up the steps, he hurries fast.
Floorboards creaking,
Milo’s sneaking,
Across the moonlit porch.
Milo’s sneaking,
Across the moonlit porch.
Past the pumpkin,
Past the cat,
Past the broomstick,
Past the rat.
Past the cat,
Past the broomstick,
Past the rat.
To the door where spiders lay,
Waiting for their cowering prey.
Waiting for their cowering prey.
Milo hears a frightening sound.
He doesn’t even turn around.
He doesn’t even turn around.
Glowing eyes behind him stare.
Ring the doorbell, if you dare!
Ring the doorbell, if you dare!
Door creaks open.
Better not run.
Better not run.
Trick or Treat!
Now, let’s have some fun!
Now, let’s have some fun!
#4 Home Alone Halloween
I came home from school very excited. Halloween, my favorite day of the year.
I almost trip over the sixteen pumpkins on the porch.
With a creak, I swing the door open while calling out, “Mom?” No answer.
The aroma of bat stew fills the house.
She’s not in the dungeon, or napping in her coffin. She must be here somewhere.
I look throughout the house, running from room to room.
Suddenly it hits me.
I fling open the broom closet. Empty. Even her broomstick is gone.
“Of course,” I said, hitting my forehead and smiling. “She is working tonight!”
#5 Sulky Spider's Spooky Webs
Sulky Spider planned a scheme
For making trick or treaters scream.
Spider silk began to spin
A Jack 'o Web with wicked grin.
"Pretty pumpkin," cowgirls said.
"Pretty?" Sulky hung her head.
"A webby ghost will do the trick!"
She spun a spooky ghoul up quick.
Pirates shouted, "Ghosts are neat!"
She gobbled up her web. "Defeat."
Spinnerets began to twitch.
"A warty-broomstick-riding-witch!"
A princess cooed, "That witch is sweet."
She stomped all eight offended feet.
"I need a buggy snack," she frowned.
Sticky thread went round and round.
She didn't hear the stairway creak.
"A spiderweb!" they hollered, "Eek!"
#6 This Year's Halloween Mascot
“No, me!”
Witch School should have been brimming with excitement. But everyone was sick of hearing Broomstick and Pumpkin argue over who should be Halloween mascot.
“No one flies higher,” said Broomstick.
“No Jack-O-Lantern shines brighter,” said Pumpkin.
Black cats cowered, paws over ears. Cauldrons bubbled their disapproval.
C-r-e-e-e-e-a-k-- the courtyard door opened to an assembly of witches.
“The time has come,” Head Mistress said. “The night awaits my decision.”
“This year’s mascot shines the brightest…” (Pumpkin’s head swelled.)
“…and flies the highest.” (Broomstick’s spirits soared.)
“Our Halloween mascot is…”
“… the Moon,” who silently took a bow.
#7 Halloween Chase
The pumpkins were glowing, but I still couldn't see
There was someone or something coming for me
I glanced over my shoulder when I heard the stair creak
My heart leapt from my chest and my legs became weak
I gasped when I saw her, all ghoulish and green
She was staring right at me, eyes angry and mean
Her broomstick was poised to crash down on my head
I wished I could fly, but my feet felt like lead
My fists began swinging, I was ready to fight
My sister took off her mask and just laughed with delight!
#8 Halloween Hide-and-Go-Seek
It’s Halloween! It’s dark, it’s spooky, it’s perfect for a game of Halloween Hide-and-Go-Seek!
Blurp! Bloop! Blub!
Are you in the cauldron?
No, just some toadstool stew.
Rustle! Swish! Swoosh!
Are you in the closet?
No, just an old broomstick.
Creak! Crack! Bang!
Are you behind the curtains?
No, it’s just the wind blowing the windows open and closed.
Scritch! Scratch! Raow!
Are you behind the chair?
No, just the cat settling down.
Giggle, Giggle
Are you upstairs?
Are you in the bedroom?
There are my little pumpkins!
You’ve had your trick, now how about your treat?
#9 The Shadow
Once upon a pumpkin moon
a rocker creaked,
the wind sighed, Soon….A Shadow stole across the lawn
and stopped upon the stair.
a rocker creaked,
the wind sighed, Soon….A Shadow stole across the lawn
and stopped upon the stair.
Ghosts and goblins roamed the streets.
They rang each bell
for tricks or treats.
As they approached they didn’t see
the Shadow waiting there.
They rang each bell
for tricks or treats.
As they approached they didn’t see
the Shadow waiting there.
Through the dark the children stepped,
not knowing where
the Shadow crept.
They stumbled over Shadow and
their screeches pierced the air.
not knowing where
the Shadow crept.
They stumbled over Shadow and
their screeches pierced the air.
Broomstick tail puffed wide with fright,
poor Shadow fled
into the night.
On Halloween a small black cat
should NOT sit on the stair!
#10 Halloween In A Boxpoor Shadow fled
into the night.
On Halloween a small black cat
should NOT sit on the stair!
“Skeleton!! It’s here!” Witch cackled. “Halloween in a Box! I ordered it on the Making Potions and Brew Magic website. ‘Fun Guaranteed!’”
Witch looked inside. “Pumpkin centerpiece? Broomstick garland?? Party plates??? That’s it????” She flopped onto the floor and wailed, “My party is ruined!”
Skeleton picked up the box. “I’ll be back.”
Skeleton returned with the box. “Open it.”
Witch lifted the flaps. Out jumped Black Cat, Ghost, Monster from Under-the-Bed, Zombie, his mother Mummy, and Hairy Spider.
“Now THAT’S a Halloween in a Box!” Witch screeched.
“Fun Guaranteed!” Skeleton said, dancing a creaky jig.
#11 Devious Dads And Halloween
Devious Dads and Halloween
Pumpkin creations
Under the stars,
Mama carves goblins,
Papa carves cars.
Kids from our condo,
Itching for treats,
Navigate hallways
Bound for the streets.
Roger plays Batdude.
Orville’s a ghost.
Omar rocks Elvis,
Milly is toast.
Sam’s owl is skittish,
Tim acts the clown.
Ike rides a broomstick,
Cruising our town.
Kids in cool costumes
Creep through the night,
Rack up the candy,
Eat just a bite.
After, in jammies,
Kids hide the rest,
Eager to keep
Dads far from the best!
#12 Snack-O'-Lantern
“Nibbles,” sighed Chester Cat. “You’re supposed to carve a pumpkin.”
“They’re too big,” the guinea pig replied. “So I am carving a Halloween-o Jalapeño. Scary, huh? Does it make you want to run away?”
“No,” Chester sniffed. “That wouldn’t make anyone run away.”
They heard the creak of floorboards and the clatter of the broomstick Buster used for fetch.
“I bet it’ll make Buster run.”
“No way.”
“Let’s see,” Nibbles challenged. Then he shouted. “BUSTER! SNAAACK!”
Buster galloped in. He gobbled the jalapeño.
His eyes sprang open.
Yelping, he dashed to his water dish.
“Told you he’d run,” Nibbles giggled.
#13 Snip, Snap, Crack
In a deep dark corner, an old lady sits.
She cackles, and snarls, and frantically knits.
Click clack go her needles.
Snip snap go her bones,
As she rocks and she creaks
and her kitty cat moans.
She conjures up spiders, and pumpkins, and ghosts
All spun from her yarn -
“I’m so wicked!” she boasts.
Don’t dare approach her,
She’s all trick and no treat.
What are you doing??
Come hither, my sweet.
Get away from that broomstick! Skedaddle! Shoo!
You’re tiptoeing closer??
Now that you've had a chance to read through the finalists, please vote for the entry you feel deserves to win in the poll below by 5PM EST Wednesday November 5.
Tune in Thursday November 6 to see THE WINNERS!!!
Thank you all so much for taking the time to write (if you did), read, and vote! These contests simply wouldn't be what they are without all of you!
I can't wait to see who the winners will be!
Tune in Thursday... same bat time, same bat station :)
(And we will have a regularly scheduled Would You Read It on Wednesday too!)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a nap.
Not really.
I'm SO not a napper.
But I might eat some leftover Halloween candy :)
Have a marvelous Monday! :)
(And we will have a regularly scheduled Would You Read It on Wednesday too!)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a nap.
Not really.
I'm SO not a napper.
But I might eat some leftover Halloween candy :)
Have a marvelous Monday! :)
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