February 15, 2013

Perfect Picture Book Friday - Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, everyone!

I hope you all had lovely a Valentine's Day!  If you didn't happen to see Renee's (abridged) puppet show version of Romeo & Juliet you are totally missing out and I have to recommend that you scoot over there and watch it.  We'll still be here when you get back :)

I have a great book to share today, and also please stay tuned afterwards for the winner of Phyllis's Fun Photo Contest and a fun announcement!

Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm
Written & Photographed By: Jon Katz
Henry Holt & Company 2011, True Story

Suitable For: ages 4-8

Themes/Topics: jobs, individuality, kindness

Opening: "In the morning after mist has cleared from the path, four dogs go out together for their first walk of the day.  They circle and sniff the wet ground carefully, listening and seeing things that only dogs can sense.  The dogs are called Rose, Izzy, Frieda, and Lenore, and they all live on Bedlam Farm.   They stay together, circling, never running off.  They are a happy group; their tails wag when they see one another.  But it wasn't always this way."

Brief Synopsis: Four dogs are good friends.  Each one has a job.  Rose herds sheep.  Izzy visits sick people.  Frieda guards the farm.  But what is Lenore's job?

Links To Resources:  This book could prompt a wonderful discussion about what kids are interested in and what they are good at; about how different people (just like different dogs) are good at different things.  Talk about all the many jobs there are, (here's a link to a job index for kids in grade K-5) and ask kids what they'd like to be when they grow up.  Have them draw a picture of themselves doing the job of their dreams, or write a short story in which they get to do that job.  What kinds of jobs can they do now?  At home or in the classroom, make a job or chore chart and let each child have a task they enjoy and can do well.  Here's a site where kids can "try out" different jobs KidsWork!

Why I Like This Book: If you've spent any time at all around this blog, you know I love dogs - especially rescue dogs - so it's not a big leap to see why I like this book :)  Exquisite photographs of Jon Katz's dogs at home on their farm, doing what they do best, complement a lovely true story about how everyone has value.  Each dog's story is told - where they came from, how they ended up on the farm, what job they do.  Three of the dogs have traditional jobs.  Lenore does not.  Lenore does not herd sheep, or visit sick people, or guard the farm.  But she teaches Rose the serious worker how to play, she is Izzy's first friend when he comes to the farm from a sad, bad place, and she keeps Frieda company when she is lonely.  What do you think Lenore's job is? :)

For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.

Okay everyone, have a great weekend!


Oh!  You want to know who won Phyllis's Fun Photo Contest and what the fun announcement was?

Okay.  You've twisted my arm :)

I hope you all had as much fun with Phyllis's Photo Contest as I did!  There were so many amazing entries - all so fun and creative!  I would never have been able to choose, so thank goodness I'm in charge around here and can make you guys do the choosing :)

When all the votes were in, the clear winner was...



Cathy, I think it was Phyllis upside-down in the nut bowl that did it for you.  Were you hinting that Phyllis is a nut?  I think you may be right.  There's a lot of nuttiness around here :)

Congratulations, Cathy!  Please email me and we'll discuss your prize, because I know you already have a signed copy of PHYLLIS.

A second prize for Phyllis's Contest, consisting mostly of fame but I'm sure we can come up with something to go along with the fame, is being given at Phyllis's insistence, and that one goes to ROBYN!  Really, it requires dedication to come up with a video of a tiny paper action figure winning a horse race.  So Robyn, kudos to you too and we'll talk prizes privately!

And a huge thank you thank you and round of applause to everyone who took the time to color and cut and photograph and provide us all with such wonderful entertainment!  You are all the greatest!

The other fun announcement I mentioned (at least I think it's fun!) is about Not Yet, Rose which you have seen in English...

... and Dutch...

... but now it's available in GERMAN!

Is that fun or what?  I love having copies of my books that I can't pronounce! :)  I'm thinking of making a video of myself reading my books in foreign languages to entertain you all... or at least myself :)

Alrighty!  That's all the fun and games for today, folks!  PPBF bloggers, please add your post-specific links to the list below so we can all come visit you!

Have a blissful weekend, everyone! :)

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