September 16, 2013

Meet Erik Weibel - Author of The Adventures Of Tomato And Pea WITH A Giveaway!

Happy Monday, Everyone!

Boy do I have a terrific way to start off your week!

An interview, a giveaway of a personalized signed book!, and a chance to ask questions of the newest author on the block!

Today, it is my great pleasure to introduce you to Erik, writer of the blog ThisKidReviewsBooks.  At age 11 he has just published his first chapter book for middle grade readers, and I have to tell you, I have read work by adults that is not as good as what this young man has written!  He's in the middle of an extensive blog tour.  I will post the complete list at the bottom, so if you're interested in reading reviews of the book or entering other giveaways for it, you may follow the links.

But I have the privilege of interviewing Erik so we can get to know him a little and have a glimpse into the mind that created The Adventures Of Tomato And Pea Book 1: A Bad Idea, so fasten your seat belts everyone! :)

(Susanna in black, Erik in blue)

      So, Erik, tell us a little about yourself...

I’m 11 ¾ -years-old and in 6th grade. I started reading comic books when I was very young (my mom said around 4). I love books and reading! I write a blog where I review books ( and I write a monthly book column for the Upper Bucks Free Press. I have a black belt in Taekwon-Do. I also study Okinawan Karate and Jiu-Jitsu. In my spare time I like to fish and build with Legos. I’d like to be an inventor and a published author when I grow up.
Meet Erik, published author!

When did you decide to become a writer?

I don’t think I ever actually decided to be a writer, it is just something I like to do.  I always liked making up stories. I have notebooks filled with ideas and stories that I made up ever since I could write.

Can you share any of your earlier work?

Well, I’ve always loved superheroes (I STILL love superheroes, but that’s beside the point). Ever since I can remember, I came up with my own superhero characters. I had over 500 superheroes in my head and I wrote about 20 (or so) of them. I constantly was telling my superhero stories to my parents and they got me a journal notebook and convinced me to write the stories down. After I filled the first journal with stories and drawings, they got me another one, and I just kept writing. Here is the opening of a story about one of the first superheroes I made up. I wrote it when I was five. Sorry that there are a ton of typos (but I was five). :)

Mountain team beginning
Episode 1     
When Mountain Man was a boy he was called Mountain boy because he liked mountains. He lived with his family on a mountain. He liked to go fishing up in the mountains and swimming up in the mountains. Then one day there was a
It was a gray tornado but it was made of power not wind. It sucked up …              MOUNTAIN BOY! He changed. Then he was a grown up. He called himself…
Inside the tornado he saw his, future of his team. He found out what his powers were. They were, turn into a rock, make mountains, and speed, but still he wasn`t happy, he needed friends. 

This is Erik's illustration of "Fireball" who was the villain in the Mountain Man story!
I am actually still working on this story but I changed the main character from Mountain Man to a guy named Techno and made a bunch of changes (Mountain Man is still in there, just under a different name and is a minor character with a big temper).

I wrote my first “picture book” in 2nd grade. It’s a collection of folktales from different countries. I interviewed a bunch of people from different countries at my mom’s work (and I got to miss a day of school to do it!). I asked them questions about their home country and what their favorite folk tale from their country was. I made it in Microsoft PowerPoint. My second grade teacher let me do it as an outside project because I wanted to learn how to use PowerPoint. My school liked it so much they posted it on their website. J
Cover of Erik's 2nd grade book

The part about Norway :)
I’m actually using the folktale idea right now to try to make it into an actual picture book. I am also working on the next Tomato and Pea adventure. It will take off from where Book 1 ended.

Has anyone been particularly helpful to you in your writing journey?

I want to thank everyone who helped me in some way, whether they know it or not. My blog followers help with all of their encouragement and constructive criticism. My teachers for helping me be a better writer. My Aunt, for being one of my proof-readers! My Dad, for reading tons of drafts of my book and telling me what he thinks. I thank my Mom, who helps me stay organized and tells me when something I write doesn’t sound right. I won a critique from Julie Hedlund and she pointed out (in a very good way) where my characters were weak. Her comments really helped me make the book better. Author Michelle Isenhoff was very helpful and encouraging too. Mrs. Isenhoff, helped me edit the book. She gave me great lessons on grammar and writing conversation. She also really supported me when I didn’t think I could do another re-write. The whole Kid Lit community has been very nice and helpful to me. Whenever I had a question, someone was always there to answer it! Thank you all!

Your book, The Adventures of Tomato and Pea Book 1: A Bad Idea, features "super crime stopper, Tomato and his sidekick, Pea".  How did your heroes come to be named after vegetables?  Are tomatoes and peas your favorites?  If you had to describe yourself as a vegetable, which one would you be?

My Uncle Dave (Dave Costella) made me two stuffed toys and told me their names were Tomato and Pea. He named the toys after the color of the material he made them from. Dave challenged me to write a story about the stuffed toys so I did!
Here they are!  The Superheroes, Tomato and Pea!
I like tomatoes and peas, but now, I don’t feel right eating them. That would be cannibalistic.
I think I’m a tall thin asparagus. An asparagus is not usually the first vegetable you think of, but when you do, you think, “Yes, I really like asparagus!”

Your villain is named Wintergreen.  What diabolical qualities of wintergreen prompted this name choice?

After I made my first Tomato and Pea story up (it was only like 500 words long), I showed it to Dave. He liked it and made me more characters including the villain Wintergreen. Dave thought it was funny to name Wintergreen, because he’s actually blue. I thought it was great because the other characters could point that fact out and annoy him. J Wintergreen is pretty cranky because he looks a lot like his arch-enemy Tomato and his color is all wrong.
I'm pretty sure this is what Erik looks like when he's writing the scenes
with the evil villain, Wintergreen! :)
Do you share characteristics with any of your book characters?  If so, which character would you say is the most like you and why?

I think the character I most relate to, is Poppy Cornelius Lobster. I am full of random facts (that usually come at the wrong time). I made Tomato into the hero I would like to be; brave, athletic, and awesome. I am good with computers and figuring out how electronic stuff works so that’s where I got the idea that Pea is good with electronics. Skew loves to cook because I love to cook.  I also want to take over the world just like Wintergreen.

What was the easiest part of writing your book?

The funny parts. I would get “on a roll” when I wrote a funny scene. The words just came out.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Edeting Editeng Editeing Editing.
Also, when I decided to make my story into a stand-alone book that didn’t need any pictures. I had to add many details without overdoing it and boring the reader. It was hard to write down what I was picturing in my head.

Which is your favorite scene/moment in the story?

My favorite is after the bunch crash-lands on EAR-TH and they are looking for somewhere to take shelter. Here it is –

“We are in some sort of book depository,” Tomato observed.
“It’s called a library,” Poppy replied.
“Is this one of those facts that you just know?” Tomato asked.
  Poppy pointed up. “No. The sign says it up there, see? ‘Public Library, Free Wi-Fi.’”
“Oh. Well, this could be very useful,” Tomato said.
The library was humongous. Huge shelves stacked with books with strange titles lined the walls.  “Look, over there,” Tomato whispered pointing to a very large desk. “That female creature must be the commander of this book depository. The minions at their work terminals must be doing something top secret because the commander keeps SHUSHING them and won’t allow them to communicate with each other. I think we should set up camp here. It is very quiet. Most of the giants in this building are too interested in their research to notice us,” Tomato observed.

(See?  I told you he wrote well! :))

To help our readers figure out if they would enjoy your book, are there any books that you could say, if you liked that book, you'll love The Adventures of Tomato and Pea?

I think that if you like silly books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Captain Underpants, Big Nate, Clueless McGee, etc., you’d (hopefully) like Tomato and Pea. I tried to write it at a chapter book level so young kids can have a fun adventure if they read it. 

Well, I know I want to read it!  (Oh wait.  I have read it... :))

If any of you have questions for Erik, he will be checking in to the blog (after school!) and will be happy to answer them, so fire away!

Thank you so much for joining us today, Erik!  It's been great learning a little something about you and your book!  And I am thrilled to announce that we have one copy of the book to give away, which Erik will personalize and sign for the winner!

Now, I know you're all going to enter the giveaway, but alas, only one person can win.  For those who don't win, you can buy your copy of The Adventures Of Tomato And Pea Book 1: A Bad Idea at the following online booksellers (and I recommend you do it now... if you end up winning you can always give your extra copy to someone as a gift :)):

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Amazon Canada

Create Space

In order to enter the giveaway, all you HAVE to do is leave a comment on this post.  But if you WANT to join in the spirit of fun, Erik and I would LOVE it if you would tell us what vegetable you are most like and why :)

I'll go first (well, second, because Erik already told us he was asparagus :))

I am a potato.  I am small and a little rounder then is absolutely necessary.  I am pretty gosh-darn white (that Dutch Friesian heritage :)).  And I'm pretty down to earth.  I don't think you can get much more down to earth than a potato :)

Okay!  Your turn!  Please enter your comment by Wednesday September 18 at 11:59 PM EDT.  The winner will be announced on Perfect Picture Book Friday!

And if you'd like to read reviews of Erik's book and explore what he has to share on the other stops of his blog tour, some of which took place last week and some of which are still upcoming, you may follow the links below:

September 8 Erik’s blog  – cover reveal and announce blog tour
September 9 Michelle Isenhoff’s blog  – Book review
September 10 KidLit Reviews  – Book review
September 11 Mother Daughter Book Reviews  – Book review
The Story Reading Ape  – Guest post by Erik
September 12 Catherine Johnson’s Blog  – Book review
September 13 Julie Grasso’s Blog  - Book review
By Word of Beth  – Book review and giveaway
September 14 Diane Tulloch’s blog  – Book review
September 15 Picture Books Help Kids Soar – Book review
September 16 Susanna Leonard Hill’s blog  – Interview – Q&A with Commenters and giveaway
September 17 Reading with Rhythm  – Book Review
September 18 Julie Rowan-Zoch’s blog – Interview
September 19 Dr. Niamh Clune’s blog – Book Review in rhyme
September 20 S.W. Lothian’s blog  – Book review

Thank you all so much for visiting with me and Erik today!  We can't wait to see what kind of garden develops in the comments and who will be the lucky winner of Erik's book!

(And remember, if you have questions for Erik you can ask!)


  1. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 7:18 AM

    Thanks for agreeing to interview me! I really liked your questions! I'm glad you joined the blog tour!

    You don't need to put me in the drawing. For some reason, I don't want this book. ;)

    P.S. I'll be back after school (around 3:30 PM EST (school lets out at 3:00, but a long drive back home)) to answer any questions!

  2. Erik, you never cease to amaze me. I'm SO HAPPY about this book! My boys are also crazy about superheroes. They haven't taken off their capes since I made them. The most recent superheroes they've made up are CacaMan and BananaMan. Yes, they are silly.

    As for a veggie, I believe I am an artichoke: unnecessarily complex, difficult to peel, but actually pretty nice when you get to the heart of it. :)

    CONGRATULATIONS, MY FRIEND!!! I can't wait to read Tomato and Pea. (Also, please tell your uncle that I am in love with his stuffed creatures! Does he have any patterns?) :P

  3. I'm totally stoked that you did this Erik. It's wonderful seeing people, no matter what age, enjoying something they love and getting to share it with the world. I really enjoyed the excerpt :-)

  4. What an accomplished young man! Loved hearing about where the story idea originated. (Those stuffed toys are too cute.) Wishing Erik all the best with the book!

  5. Cool questions, Susanna!

    That excerpt is brilliant. Your humor rocks so much, Erik and comes through in your interview and book!

    I'm a bit of a pea myself, some days dry, some days a little split and often mushy!

  6. Yes, from that short sample, it's clear that Eric is a gifted writer

    As for what vegetable I'm like... I'd say I'm like an onion. It's a cliche, but I do have all these layers

  7. Erik, YOU are a superhero! Congratulations!!! I loved this interview, and really look forward to reading your book!

    Hmmm..a vegetable to describe me? Perhaps a cabbage- multilayered with a tough core?

  8. Great post. I love hearing the background of how a story is born. Love the stuffed could sell them along with your books, Erik! :0)

  9. Gosh, I am just constantly amazed by all that Erik does and does so well! Congratulations to him on publishing his first book! I thought it would be a fun one after reading his pitch. :)

    As for me, I'm probably a summer squash...mostly sunshiny and I spread my stuff out messily all over my space.

  10. Erik, you rock! My copy of your book arrive Saturday, and I've been tearing through it. Cooper's tried to steal it a couple of times, but he has to wait until I'm done (ha, ha). I love your "ASK ME ABOUT MY BOOK" t-shirt too. Priceless.

  11. What a super intereview, Erik. I can't believe you wrote that tornado story when you were five! Wow! I have ordered Matthew your book already, can't wait for it to arrive.

  12. I think the interview was my idea, so thank YOU for agreeing to be interviewed :) Have fun at school!

  13. Great interview -- I am so proud of Erik! (I know I've said that about a million times lately...)

    I do have a question for the after-school Q&A -- Erik, how do you find time to read and review so many books, with all the other things you do (including school)? I know I should read more.

    As for what vegetable I am, I think I'm a tomato, of the regular sort, not the superhero sort. A large, round, slightly over-ripe (I'm a little squishy around the edges), red (my face has a certain redness to it) tomato.

    I already have Erik's book, so I don't need to be in the giveaway.

  14. You. Are. Amazing. And soooo funny!

  15. Congrats, Erik! I'm so excited for you that you published your novel and are on a blog tour! The writing samples were great! Happy for you. To play along, I'm most like broccoli--skinny, bumpy body with a big top a curly hair. :)

  16. Wasn't that excerpt fantastic? Such a sense of humor Erik has! And I agree - it's wonderful!

  17. Thanks, Ruth! It's an accomplishment for anyone, but I think especially for someone his age who still has to do homework! :)

  18. Speaking of humor, Joanna, you are so funny :) Glad you enjoyed the interview :)

  19. I think there are a lot of onions out there :) Thanks for stopping by and joining the fun!

  20. He really is, isn't he Iza? Love your choice of cabbage! I'm so entertained by everyone's interesting and original and seemingly very well-chosen vegetables!


  21. Excellent choice, Teresa! I think you're very sunshiny :)

  22. I know, Kirsten, isn't it great? I love that shirt!

  23. I hope you and Matthew enjoy it, Catherine, but gee whiz! I REALLY wanted to know what kind of vegetable you are! :)

  24. Am I being insubordinate again? Put me in the corner ;)
    You probably think I'm a cauliflower hee hee.

  25. I think you are a lovely tomato, Beth! :) Really, there's something about a tomato that is so full of summer and sunshine - very you! :) And thank you for playing along even though you have the book! :)


  26. Isn't he just? I LOVED that excerpt! :)


  27. Great interview! Thanks, Erik, for sharing your book with us. I can't wait to read it! As for what vegetable I would ear of corn. You see, my maiden name is Corn and my sense of humor is, well, a little corny.

  28. Great interview! Erik, you're an inspiration to the rest of us! Okay, I'm like a tomato. My skin turns red in the sun. :-)

  29. Hahaha, Erik! This interview was so funtastic to read! Your book sounds great too. I so look forward to reading it. Hmm, I guess I'm a Hershey Bliss bar. (That's my choice of veggie, Erik and Susanna.) *wink*

  30. (@) < cauliflower

  31. Thanks, Robin. And thank you so much for stopping by to read! Sure you don't want to tell us what vegetable you are just for fun :)


  32. Oh, lordy, Cheryl! Mine too!!!! Great choice :)

  33. At last! Someone has taken my insistence that chocolate is a vegetable to heart! Yay Robyn! :)

  34. I like your vegetable, too, Robyn! lol. :-)

  35. Ooh! I like that, Mike! A pumpkin :) Although I confess, I have never tasted pumpkin coffee! Pumpkin donuts, on the other hand, are very delicious and might have to be featured on WYRI one of these fall Wednesdays even though they are not technically chocolate :)


  36. What a great interview. I learned even more about you Erik! It's hard to imagine a 5-year-old writing a story like you did. That was amazing for someone so young. Hold onto everything you've written. So enjoyed this interview!
    Vegetable: Pea tomatoes.

  37. An eggplant! How original and delightful, Rosi!

  38. Is that a real thing, Pat, or did you just make it up to go with Erik's story? :)


  39. Care to join me for supper tonight? ;-)

  40. Why yes, that would be lovely! Chocolate soup? Followed by pain au chocolat? Followed by chocolate mousse? :)

  41. Sure, I'll bite. In honor of my favorite econ prof., I will say rutabaga.

  42. You got it , pal! I likes the way you think!

  43. Hmm... Interesting and original choice, Robin. Kind of like turnips, aren't they?


  44. Yup! They are like large turnips. Truth to tell, I've never eaten one.

  45. Me neither :) But when I was little I had a book called Rutabaga Stories :)


  46. You're so sweet, Penny! I'm sure Erik will be thrilled! (When he gets home from school and can check in :))

  47. Hard for YOU, Clar, it's even harder for me! My husband is Eric with a C and we are Eric and Susanna! :)

  48. Congratulations, Erik! Spectacular blast off for your first book!! I will be ordering it. You are setting a wonderful model for aspiring writers not just your age...but mine as well! Your creativity, energy and dedication are going to take you a great distance. (So wanted to do the blog tour ---but my schedule just didn't allow for it this month. :( Next book. Susanna, awesome interview - thank you. Oh and I guess I'm probably a butternut squash....I love butter, my hair is the color of the inside and my shape is...a....well....related.

  49. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 3:32 PM

    I did! :D (and you're welcome ;) )

  50. Congratulations again. I'm loving the blog tour Erik!

  51. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 4:39 PM

    I LOVE artichokes. Except the part where they strangle you artistically... get it ART-i-CHOKE ;)
    Your sons remind me - I need a cape! :D
    Well, I think Dave has an Etsy shop... Though I last checked a year+ ago... I'm not sure if he still has the pattern. Hmm I am going to ask him. :)

  52. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 4:40 PM

    Thank you Ms. Brown! I'm glad you liked the excerpt! :D

  53. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    Glad you like the real Tomato and Pea! :D Thanks for the compliments!

  54. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 4:49 PM

    Are you ever beaten up (get it? A BLACK-EYED pea???)? ;) Do you ever peck people with your nose (a CHICK-pea!)? heeheehee :D Thank you Ms. Marple (for putting up with my bad jokes!)! ;)

  55. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 4:51 PM

    *sniff sniff* Onion! You're making me cry! ;)

  56. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 4:53 PM

    If I'm a SUPERHERO, than you must be, umm... the... Queen of Awesomeness! :D I LOVE cabbages!

  57. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:28 PM

    Me too - I get sunburned REAL easy, just like a certain lizard named Earl! ;) Thanks for the compliments!

  58. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:31 PM

    Can I join you for dinner too? ;)

  59. I knew that story was based on real life :)

  60. But of course! You can find us in the barn :)

  61. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:33 PM

    Of course - sunburn = me, cactus = Dad! ;)

  62. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:34 PM

    I'm on my way! ;)

  63. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:36 PM

    What about a CHOCOLATE pumpkin doughnut? Or a pumpkin doughnut with chocolate icing? OR... ;)

  64. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:38 PM

    Thank you Mr. Allegra! I love pumpkins and doughnuts. :D

  65. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:40 PM

    You're purple? I think you need to take a breather... literally. :) Thank you Ms. Rosi! :D

  66. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:43 PM

    Hmm... I wonder if they ARE real things... I know of CHERRY tomatoes, but not PEA tomatoes... Thank you so much Ms. Tilton! :D

  67. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:44 PM

    I am THRILLED beyond belief! :D I hope you like the book! Thank you SO much! :D

  68. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:46 PM

    heeheehee! I had a friend named Aric and I knew a Derec and I know a Derek and... Now I have a headache... ;)

  69. What an amazing amount of awesome for a Monday! So much inspiration, I love that t-shirt Erik is wearing too. I'm trying to think of a vegetable, but I lost all thought after reading chocolate pumpkin donut. That's all I can think about now. :)

  70. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:48 PM

    Thanks Ms. Bowman-Jahn! :D

  71. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:52 PM

    Yes. If you are related to a butternut squash, which side of the family is he/she on? Mother's? Father's? ;) Thank you VERY much Ms. Miller! :D
    P.S. I like Squash. :)

  72. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:54 PM

    Thanks for following along, Ms. Jensen! :D

  73. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 16, 2013 at 5:55 PM

    Yum. :) I'm hungry. Good thing it's dinner-time! We have home-made meatloaf! :D

  74. Thanks for reading, Stacy! Are you sure you wouldn't like to share what kind of vegetable you are... just for fun? :)

  75. It's a good thing I figured out I was a potato before the chocolate pumpkin donut discussion came along or I would not have been capable of coherent thought :)

  76. You are so funny, Laura! :) I love butternut squash - I think that's an excellent choice :)

  77. This book sounds AMAZING! I love the thought you put into all your characters, and how they each have a little piece of yourself in them. Congratulations, Erik!

  78. Thanks so much for stopping by, Carrie (...who is a ??? kind of vegetable??? :))


  79. Oh...LOL, I think I might be a tomato. Most people think I'm a vegetable but I'm actually a fruit! I work well in a variety of settings (salad, sauce) but am also good on my own. And I'm at my best in late summer/early fall.

  80. You're in good company then, Carrie :) We have a couple tomatoes here already :)


  81. I have heard them all, Erik...but it's been a while. Thanks for making me smile.

  82. Fantastic post, Susanna! Thank you, Erik, for sharing so much of your writing journey with us...and how you came to write this book.
    If I were a vegetable I would be a...yam.:) Adaptable (served with meals as a veggie or as a dessert in pie) and always sweet.

  83. I must say...I am very impressed with Erik.
    It's awesome what you've accomplished and your family is beside you to support you all the way :)

  84. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 7:13 AM

    Correction: Had. It was great! :D

  85. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 7:20 AM

    Great choice!

  86. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 7:20 AM

    I YAM agreeing with you ;) Thanks Ms. Kirkfield!

  87. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 7:20 AM

    Thank you! :)

  88. I'm sorry I forgot to mention my alter-vegetable - a potato ... It's simple yet very complicated (typos). It has multiple uses. I like to think I'm multi-purpose!

  89. Well, we think after touring this blog tour and reading so many of these posts that your line about wanting to be a published author when you grow must be revised a bit - you are published! :) Ah-mazing and this is an entertaining interview. We especially enjoy the sharing of your first picture book as well as your Mountain Team story.
    Oh, and the pic of Tomato and Pea is fabulous. Is your uncle getting to work on making more of them? ;)

    We do not need to be entered into the giveaway as we already bought (and love) the book!

    Have a great day/rest of the week, all!
    ~The Stanley & Katrina gang

  90. Your book sounds awesome Erik! I think that with all your writing and studying you're going to be a picture book master when you grow up!

    I'd be a celery stick cuz I'm silly, crunchy and I like peanut butter.

  91. Erik, *giggle*...I'm so short, I have to watch out for that constantly!

  92. I try to be sunshiny and not rain on anyone's parade! ;)

  93. You are very sunshiny and not at all rainy! :)

  94. Celery! Ooh, an original! Great choice, Meg :)

  95. Well thanks so much for joining us on this leg of Erik's tour, Stanley & Katrina gang :) Even if you don't want to be entered, Erik and I would still like to know what kind of vegetable you are... hint hint... :)

  96. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 4:49 PM

    And I'm pretty tall (5 ft. 6 1/2 in. and still growing) - like an asparagus! ;) *winks*

  97. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 4:56 PM

    Or a pea? -> o In a pod??? -> Or a tomato? O :)

  98. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 4:57 PM

    OH NO!!! We have asparagus for dinner! I'm not a cannibal! AHHH!!! ;)

  99. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 5:01 PM

    *cough* I am *cough cough* really wondering... *cough* Thank you for following the tour! :D

  100. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 5:03 PM

    And the fact I really like is that you can really MASH in a race and you work well on FRIED-day! ;)

  101. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 5:03 PM

    Ooh! Yum! Celery! :D

  102. Wahoo! Congrats Erik! It sounds like a great book. I would be an artichoke because having heart my favorite quality. Best wishes with the book launch!

  103. Congratulations, Erik! You are awesome. I would be a soybean, because you can make ink out of it and it never seems to know exactly what it wants to be.

  104. I enjoyed getting to know Erik better. What a genius! :-)

  105. Okay, I can't stand it anymore. I have to ask. What's with all the bizarre symbols???!!!

  106. Woo-hoo! Artichoke number 2! Great choice, Hannah! You and Renee can have a heart-to-heart :)


  107. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 8:58 PM

    o is a pea
    is three peas in a pod
    O is a tomato
    okay the symbol I made for the beet really stinks but I tried

  108. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikSeptember 17, 2013 at 9:05 PM

    okay now I really don't know why the keeps showing up at the end of my comments because I am not typing that... weird.

  109. Congratulations Erik. Your interview was very informative and entertaining. The book sounds fantastic. I know my 7 year old would love it. Good luck with your book launch and all the other books you're going to publish!

  110. Opps. forgot to say what vegetable I am! I'm a red capsicum because if I stay in the sun too long I turn red!

  111. Okay, okay...we had to get the group together to answer this one...

    Zorg: Celery because "he likes celery."
    Stanley: Broccoli with cheese because everything with cheese is better.
    Katrina: The fork that eats the vegetables because cats are not vegetables and I am superior to all the other vegetables.
    Neighbor Girl: I agree with Zorg. celery because it is good with everything and I like doing a lot of different things.
    Cool Mom: This is a hard one. Veggies aren't our favorite food group in the house. If I can't use chocolate then I guess I'll go with potatoes because they go with almost any meal and complement it well. I love to jump into new projects and add my take to them. Like potatoes can be mashed, fried, boiled - I'll adjust as needed. :)

  112. I don't even know what that is! I'm embarrassed! Googling....

  113. I love the group think-tank :), have to agree that potatoes rule! - YAY POTATOS! - and would remind you that at my house chocolate DOES count as a vegetable (see Robyn Campbell below :)) because it comes from a BEAN! :)

  114. Erik, you are a hoot! A very tall hoot at that! ;)

  115. That's funny. I nearly wrote pepper in brackets. I think that's what you'd call it.

  116. It is amazing, isn't it Kathy? Kind of puts us adults to shame :)


  117. I think a yam is the perfect choice for you Vivian :)

  118. I'm slow at catching up on the tour, but I didn't want to miss a post. Thanks, Susanna, for helping to make this tour so special for Erik. This was the BEST Erik interview I've read yet. I love hearing about how he started writing and catching a glimpse of his early stories.

    I don't need to be entered in the contest, but tonight I feel like a carrot. Seems I'm always down in the dirt getting messy, and I get along with everybody (peas and carrots; broccoli, cauli, and carrots; carrots and celery...). :)

  119. Thank you so much for coming by my neck of the woods to support Erik on his tour, Michelle! I know you have been such a huge help to him in this endeavor. I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview. He's a pretty amazing kid, isn't he? And carrot sounds like a good choice :)



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