April 10, 2015

Perfect Picture Book Friday - High-Tailing It Out Of The State!

Happy Perfect Picture Book Friday, Everyone!

I'm just going to 'fess up right away.

I don't have a book today.

Not for lack of trying - I read a whole pile.  But none of the books in my pile particularly struck my fancy.  And my sister was visiting and there was a visit to the seamstress about prom dress alteration and college revisit planning and lameness diagnosis for Jemma who is very lame in the off fore (or at least that's what you'd say if she were a horse) (and by "diagnosis" I mean everyone is scratching their heads because really we don't know what's wrong except maybe it's her shoulder) and work, work, work, and etc. and I just flat out ran out of time.

And now, as you are sipping your coffee and happily anticipating loads of lovely Perfect Picture Books, I am high-tailing it out of the state!

That's right.

Princess Blue Kitty and I are heading to the Green Mountains for the day so that I can hear one child present her honors history thesis at the symposium... after which I shall return home in time to hear another child sing at Arts Night.

That's the plan.

Good lord willing and the creek don't rise! :)

So please, share amongst yourselves, visit each other, enjoy all the picture books on offer this week... and I'll catch up as soon as I can!

PPBF bloggers please be sure to leave your post-specific link in the list below so we can all come visit you!

For the complete list of books with resources, please visit Perfect Picture Books.

Have a great weekend, everyone!!! :)


  1. Safe travels, my friend - and have LOTS of fun today.

  2. Have a great weekend, my friend.

  3. I hope the road rises to greet you, Susanna. Thanks for allowing us to gather at your place while you're out. Have fun today, and a wonderful weekend.

  4. "God willing and the creek don't rise" I remember those good ole days. I Just had a yummy viist from my two this week. Short but sweet.

    Take good care, Susanna!

  5. I'm a "no book" this week too. Been taking this great picture book class online (wink) and reading lots but didn't get the post finished. So there. Have safe travels. :)

  6. Safe travels, Susanna! I wanted to post one today because I'm adding links to it for a podcast I did with Katie Davis and an interview I did for KidLit411...life is not getting any less busy. And I can see the same is true for you! Congratulations to both of your kids...how AWESOME!

  7. It sounds like having a great time will be unavoidable, so yay. Meanwhile, don't you hate reading a pile of books and knowing full well that you'll NEVER get that hour back, but still there's nothing but "meh" in the pile? Ugh.

  8. Oh well now, I don't feel so bad... because while I did post reviews today, I don't have anything for PPBF . Safe journeys, Susanna

  9. Enjoy your family filled weekend.

  10. Enjoy your travels. I thought I had a busy schedule but you take the cake — and I'm sure it's chocolate!

  11. Hope you have a wonderful time, Susanna. I hope it is beautiful driving, as it is here in Ohio. And thank you for still putting up the linky.

  12. It sounds like quite the plan of pleasant events, Susanna :) I hope you enjoy it all, and safe driving! :D

  13. Congrats to your kids. You are getting to be a very busy lady. Enjoy your travels and safe journey. Look forward to seeing you when we see you. :)

  14. Hope your Friday was filled with triumph for all, and few bumps along the way… The Camel that Went for A Walk, just came into my library last weekend and it's wonderful! I'll have to hunt it down somewhere because I really don't want to part with it! Thanks for mentioning it a few weeks ago.

  15. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikApril 18, 2015 at 12:09 PM

    Great post! I hope you had fun! :D

  16. The symposium was amazing, and I'm glad you enjoyed The Camel Who Took A Walk! Doesn't she have just the best expression? :)

  17. I had a lovely time, thank you so much Donna :)

  18. You're very welcome, Pat - the least I can do! And thank YOU! :)

  19. Oh, good! Now I don't feel so bad either :) Thanks so much, Sue!

  20. I know! And I think of all the great mss I've read and wonder why some of them didn't beat out the "mehs"!

  21. I'm feeling way less guilty now that several other people have said they didn't post :) Thank you, Wendy :)

  22. Thank you, Clar :) Glad you got a yummy visit - short is always better than not at all!

  23. They are as lovely as always, albeit a bit wet :) Thank you, Jarm!

  24. Thank you, Joanne - it was wonderful! :)


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