November 7, 2013

Halloweensie Contest 2013 WINNERS!!!


What are you all doing here?

Don't you know it's Thursday?

I don't post on Thursdays.

Go home.

I'll see you tomorrow for Perfect Picture Books.


You're here for a reason?

Well, I'll be darned!

You must have all come over to hear about my hangnail!

Aren't you just the sweetest to be so concerned!

Let me tell you, it's a doozy.  It started on Monday when I was washing the dishes.  It was just that little tiny painful beginning, you know?  And I noticed it when I went to dry my hands and that painful little poinky end got caught on the dish towel and I was like, "Oh, man!  Not a hangnail!"....

Wait a minute.

You're all managing to look very patient.

But I heard yawning...

...and I see some eye-rolling in the back over there....

You didn't really come over to hear about my hangnail, DID you!

I KNEW it!

So why are you here on a Thursday?

Go home, I tell you!

Jeez Louise!  You'd think I had nothing better to do than to entertain you lot with the


Heeheehee!  I'm sorry!  I just can't help myself.  Heeheehee.  I don't even HAVE a hangnail!  Heeheeheeheehee!

Okay, really.  I'm sorry for tormenting you with my juvenile behavior.  Let's start with a few surprises, shall we?

As you are all aware by now, we had a record turnout for the Halloweensie Contest - 79 entries!

I was thrilled beyond measure to see so many wonderful stories!

But with large entry numbers come hard choices.  My assistant judges and I worked hard to winnow the total down to a manageable number of finalists that we felt were truly all-around deserving of that distinction, and those were the ones we presented to you on Monday for your vote.

There were, however, many other entries that were outstanding in certain areas even though they might not have qualified all-around for one reason or another.

So my assistant judges and I would like to award recognition and a small prize to the following authors for the following merits:

1.  For Honorable Mention In The Competition As A Whole:
     Vivian Kirkfield for Halloween Dance Party Countdown
     Carrie Finison for Callie's Prize-Winning Potion
     Lauri Meyers for White Cat's Halloween
     Suzy Levinson for Black Cat Goes To Spooky School

2.  For Best Use of Poetic Language:
     Kathy Moncrief for Halloween Night!
     Heather Greene for Untitled (Hallowed Eve)
     Julie Rowan-Zoch for Halloween Comes To The Farm
     Bradin Farnworth for The Witches' Song
     Kimberley Moran for Black Glass Cat

3. For Spookiest Entry: (not already in the finals)
     Teresa M.I. Schaefer for Grim Concoction
     Laura Shovan for The Old Hotel
     Jackie Wellington for A Disappearing Act
     Deirdre Sheridan Englehart for The Spookiest Night!

4.  For Funniest Entry: (not already in the finals)
     Mike Allegra for Spooky Piggy
     Janet Johnson for Brewster's Trick
     Sheila Renfro for Helga's Black Cat Search

5.  For Sweetest/Cutest Entry: (not already in the finals)
     Deb for Boo: The Scaredy Halloweenie Cat

6.  For Great Kid Appeal: (not already in the finals)
     Michelle Barnes for The Witching Hour
     Meg Miller for The Halloween CAW Ball
     Kirsten Bock for Scare D-Cat

7.  For Most Original Format:
     Nancy Hatch for Cackle... The Spooky Black Cat - in rap! :)

8.  For Best All-Around Entry By A Newcomer To The Blog: (not already in the finals)
     Juliana Lee for Sleepless Hallow's Eve
     Doris K. Stone for The Fat Black Cat Sat

9.  For Favorite Character:
     Stacy Couch for her Ninja Ballerina in Olivia vs. The Witch :)

Congratulations to all of you for fantastic elements of your stories!  You may all email me at susanna[at]susannahill[dot]com to collect your prize, which is your choice of one of the following: (the titles are all links so you can go see what they're about)

For Kindle:
The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide To Character Expression by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi , OR

The Postitive Trait Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide To Character Attributes by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi, OR

The Negative Trait Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide To Character Flaws by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi, OR

In paperback:
Show & Tell In A Nutshell: Demonstrated Transitions From Telling To Showing by Jessica Bell

And now...

...the moment you've all been waiting for...

...a picture of my hangnail!

... THE WINNERS OF THE 2013 HALLOWEENSIE CONTEST ACCORDING TO THE POPULAR VOTE!!! (which did not have the consideration to work out very neatly as you will see...)

In First Place, winner of a picture book manuscript critique from Corey Rosen Schwartz (celebrated author of The Three Ninja Pigs and other wonderful picture books) AND a copy of Linda Ashman's brand new Nuts & Bolts Guide To Writing Picture Books...


Nata Romeo
for Drusella, The Black Spooky Cat

Congratulations, Nata!!!

In Second Place, winner of a picture book manuscript critique AND a query letter critique from Heather Ayris Burnell, author of Bedtime Monster,

Marcie Rinka Wessels
for Miss Sadie

Congratulations, Marcie!!!

In Third Place, we have a tie between

Eric Weibel          and          Margaret Greenias
      for The Dare                  for One Ghostly Halloween

One of them will win the signed copies of Halloween Hustle by Charlotte Gunnufson, The Monster Who Lost His Mean by Tiffany Haber, and Marathon Mouse by Amy Dixon, which was the original 3rd prize.  The other will win The Writer's Workout: 366 Tips, Task andTechniques From Your Writing Coach by Christina Katz AND Rip The Page: Adventures In Creative Writing by Karen Benke - they will have to fight amongst themselves and/or come up with a way to split and share the spoils :)

Congratulations, Erik and Margaret!!!

In Fifth Place, we have another tie! between

Laura Renauld          and          Cheryl Secomb
for Foe or Friend?                     for On Halloween

Since I didn't previously announce prizes past 3rd, I'm going to keep this tie fair by awarding both Laura and Cheryl a $20 Amazon Gift Certificate - that way they won't have to fight like Erik and Margaret :)

Congratulations, Laura and Cheryl!!!

All the winners should email me at susanna[at]susannahill[dot]com with the subject heading Prize Winner so we can work out details for you to receive your prizes!  Finalists who did not finish in the top 6 (Joanna, Nancy, Katie, Donna and Buffy) may also contact me for their choice of the Kindle or paperback prizes listed above.

Congratulations again to all our winners - it was a stiff competition!! - and congratulations to EVERYONE who wrote and entered a story in the contest.  You all deserve a huge round of applause, a confetti parade, and a large amount of chocolate cake :)

Thank you to everyone who helped make this contest SO MUCH FUN, whether by writing an entry, reading people's stories, leaving comments for the authors, and/or voting in the finals.  It's because of all of you that this contest was such a success, so many, many thanks from the bottom of my heart!

And before we go, I will give you all advance warning so you can start planning a little time into your December schedule...

The 3rd Annual Holiday Writing Contest will be coming up sometime in the neighborhood of December 11-18.  I'm running it a little bit earlier this year so we can all fully enjoy it and still have time for last minute holiday things.  And to whet your appetites and get your thinking caps on, I will tell you that first prize is something AWESOME!  A picture book manuscript read and critique by an actual editor at an actual highly regarded publishing house!!!  But that is all I'm saying for now :)  You will just have to stay tuned for more details as the Holiday Contest approaches.  And I will do my best to post the rules well in advance so you all have time to work on your stories!

Have a terrific Thursday everyone, and thanks again for making the Halloweensie Contest such a wonderful time for all! :)


  1. Thank you!!!! I am truly honored to be part of such a talented community of writers/Illustrators :) Thank you to all who voted for Drusella!!! I loved everyone's're all winners to me!!!

  2. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikNovember 7, 2013 at 7:22 AM

    WOO!!! Congrats to the long list of people who won! There were so many great entries :D For Ms. Greenias and I - I will say, Ms. Greenias can choose which prize pack she wants, they are both incredibly cool! Thank you Ms. Hill!!!

  3. What a gentleman you are, Erik! Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations to all the winners! Another great contest, Susanna!

  5. Congrats to all the wonderful winners! Thanks, Susanna and team for all the fun.

  6. I must say that you've done an awesome job with this years's Halloweensie contest and I'm thrilled the turn out for the competition was high! Yay to all the entrants, first of all, and Congrats to the winners!!!!!

    And best of luck with that hangnail, Susanna :-)

  7. Congratulations winners! This was such a fun contest, thanks to the entire voting team. Susanna, I'm awarding you with an imaginary manicure to get rid of that nasty hang nail you made up to keep us all on the edge of our seats. The agony! :0)


    Wait . . . my mouth is full of Halloweensie Candy.


    Wait . . . I've got a tickle in my throat. Or maybe a frog. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the two.

    Oh, sorry, got a bit side-tracked.

    THE GRAND PRIZE WINNER is . . . drumroll please . . . no, not the digital drums, the snares . . . great . . .

    AND THE WINNER IS SUSANNA LEONARD HILL!!! Thanks for making the blogosphere such a FUN place throughout the year.

  9. Congratulations Nata and all the winners! They were so fun to read and it was nice meeting some new writers through the process. Thanks for hosting the contest and those who took time to judge.

  10. Super congratulations to all the winners and thanks, Susanna for your generosity to the entire community.

  11. Congratulations to all the winners!!!!

    Great contest, Susanna! Thank you! (and might I suggest that you start stockpiling chocolate now, to fortify yourself for the Holiday Contest judging... )

  12. This is PERFECT!!!!!!! :D

  13. Congratulations to all the winners, especially to Nata. Woohoo! Thank you to Susanna and her amazing team!

  14. Congratulations to all of the winners and honorable mentions. A BIG, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you, Nata, on 1st Place!!! And thanks, Susanna for your hard work and for having these awesome contests! They really are a ton of fun.

  15. Congrats to all and special thanks to Susanna for being the halloweensie hostess with the mostest.

  16. Susanna, if you ever decide to give up writing fabulous children's books and running stupendous holiday writing contests, you will most certainly qualify for a top ambassadorial post! You are kind, clever, wonderfully smart and oh so diplomatic.:) What a lovely way to recognize hard work and good effort!
    CONGRATULATIONS to all of the winners...finalists...and everyone who participated either by submitting a story or by visiting blogs and commenting. And sincere thanks to the generous prize contributors!
    Looking forward to PPBF tomorrow and the Holiday Contest next month.:)

  17. You are awesome! Absolutely thrilled my critique buddy Nata won yippee! Congrats to all the winners :0)

  18. This is awesome! Congratulations to all the winners and all the contestants. Everyone wrote such great entries! Susanna, you're amazing. Thank you for all your hard work and thank you to your lovely assistants for their part, too. Your contests are so much fun!

  19. Fabulous! lol. Love this!

  20. Congratulations, Erik!!! Yay!!!

  21. Congratulations, Nata!!! Great job!!! :-)

  22. Congratulations, Nata! Be sure to email me so I can get your prize arranged! :)

  23. Congratulations on a great entry, Erik! And thank you for being such a gentleman - I'm sure Ms. Greenias will appreciate it :)

  24. Thanks so much, Iza! I'm glad if you enjoyed it!

  25. Thank YOU so much for participating, Linda! :)

  26. Congratulations to everyone who submitted a story. You are all winners since you wrote a story, unlike some of us who couldn't get our BIC. :-) Susanna you are awesome at putting on these contests. I do look forward to the Holiday contest. If you get the rules out ahead of time. I might even try to participate! ;-) I just wish all my Xmas ideas weren't song-based. eek.

  27. Thanks, Angela! I'm very glad if you enjoyed it! As for the hangnail, I'm self-doctoring with antibiotic ointment and a bandaid :)

  28. Congratulations to YOU, Donna, on a terrific spooky entry! And thank you. If my imaginary hangnail was real it would be very painful and I would need your sympathy :)

  29. Hahaha! An award announcer after my own heart :) Thanks, Nancy, for the award and your very kind words! But it's really you guys that make everything such fun! :) Have a lovely day in the 'hood :)


  30. Thank YOU for participating, Stacy! You are such a stalwart member of the contest-entering horde - I don't think you've ever missed one! I so appreciate your enthusiasm! I hope Enzo didn't get too many vegetables in his halloween pumpkin :) And it was lovely to meet some new people, wasn't it?

  31. Aw shucks, Joanne, thanks so much! I'm just so glad if you enjoyed the contest. And I hope to see and entry from you for the Holiday Contest next month! :)

  32. I'm way ahead of you, Beth! I have a delivery truck coming today! :) I'm so glad you enjoyed the contest, and thank you so much for a wonderful entry - your brave little kitten - so cute! :)


  33. Wow they were great entries. Congratulations to everyone! Your one-in-a-million Susanna!

  34. Thank YOU for a delightful entry, Joanna, and for your wholehearted participation in yet another of my hare-brained schemes :)

  35. Thank YOU, Penny, for always being such an enthusiastic participant! It's really you and everyone else who joins in that makes these contests what they are! I enjoy them so much - I'm always sad when they're over and there are no more fun stories to look forward to!

  36. Aw, thanks Buffy! Thank you for joining in the fun with your terrific entry! I hope we'll see more of you around here :)

  37. Aw shucks, Vivian! You're making me blush! I'm only one of a whole ton of wonderful children's writers who hang out in this community, and it's all of us together that make everything so fun :) Thank you for all your kinds words - you made my day even if I'm also blushing :) - and for always participating so enthusiastically in the contests with excellent entry after excellent entry and all your generous participation!

  38. I didn't know you guys were critique buddies! What fun! I'm so glad you enjoyed the contest, and I thank you so much for once again participating with such enthusiasm! The contest are what they are because of everyone who joins in so whole-heartedly!


  39. Oh! You're so sweet, Cheryl! I'm happy to do it - I really love having these contests! And congratulations to YOU for yet another fabulous entry and all your generous participation!!!

  40. You might be okay, Darshana! A look at the Holiday Contest history will show you that song-based has a solid place :) I will really try to get the rules up early so people have time - I know it's a busy time of year - but the prize will SO totally be worth it!

  41. Marcie Rinka WesselsNovember 7, 2013 at 12:26 PM

    Thank you SO much!!!!! The contest was so much fun. Thanks for sponsoring it, Susanna. The real prize for me is finding such a creative and supportive group of writing friends.

  42. I'm so glad you enjoyed the entries, Diane, and I do hope you'll be able to find time to submit one for the Holiday Contest :) Thanks so much for your very kind words! You're one in a million too! :)


  43. Oh, I'm SO glad, Marcie! It's wonderful to have you join us!!! And congratulations on a truly fabulous entry! I'm still laughing about poor Miss Sadie falling out of that tree :)

  44. I intend to Susanna. Just had some minor tech hitches which forced me to forgo the Holloween contest. Would you believe last night there was a huge blackout in our city causing 2000 homes to be without power for many hours. Sheesh! Very unusual!

  45. Oh my goodness! I hope you're okay, Diane. City blackouts can be very scary! And it's especially concerning if there doesn't seem to be a reason for such a widespread blackout - no storm or anything... Hope all's well!


  46. Congratulations to all the winners and participants who scared up a lot of good fun this Halloween! Thank you for hosting such a spooking good time Susanna and especially for the Honorable Mention. That really made my day today :)

  47. Thanks Erik, but I was actually going to offer for you to choose. I insist. I loved your entry! Congratulations!

  48. Congratulations to all the winners! This was such a fun contest, Susanna! We are really lucky to have you in our community.

  49. Congratulations, Margaret! :-)

  50. Congratulations, Marcie! :-)

  51. Thank you, Susanna! :-)

  52. Thank you, Susanna, for having this cool and neat contest every year! We just love it and you deserve a prize.

    Congratulations winners! Your stories were great and wonderful and amazing and awessome. thanks for sharing us.

  53. What fun! Congrats to all. . .im still getting around to reading everyone's entry.😜
    Thanks so much for the challenge, Susanna. Looking forward to the holiday contest!

  54. That judging was waaaay tougher for you than it was for us! Good job, Susanna. Whew. Congratulations to all the contestants. I'll keep waiting and hoping that we'll get to see a hangnail someday soon.....

  55. Congrats to all the winners! So hard to choose with so many great entries. I read TONS of spookily good poems and stories. And thanks to Susanna too for being such a supportive, hard-working host!

  56. So SHL, nrhatch! And so true. Love this!

  57. I'm so glad you enjoyed the contest, Lauri! Thank you so much for participating. And we did love Violet :)

  58. And I am lucky to have all of you because you're the ones that make everything so much fun! :) Congratulations on a very fun and clever story!! :)

  59. Thank you Catherine!!!!!

  60. Thank you for sharing poor little Olivia who couldn't decide what costume to wear - a dilemma all our little ones have faced :) And thanks for your enthusiastic participation - it wouldn't be the same without you!

  61. Thanks so much for participating, Jarm, and for your beautifully written story - there were some very evocative details! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and look forward to your Holiday Contest entry!

  62. Congratulations Marcie! I loved Miss Sadie!

  63. thank you Joanna :)

  64. My imaginary hangnail is not a pretty sight and might give you nightmares :) It is WAY scarier than a real hangnail! Thanks so much for reading and commenting and voting and generally participating in the contest, Genevieve! Maybe you and Cupcake will dream something up for the next one :)


  65. thank you Stacy :)

  66. Congratulations Nata, Marcie, Erik and Margaret. All wonderful entries. And congratulations to all those who won honorable mentions. Wow!
    Big hand of applause to Susanna, her judges, and all of those who have donated prizes. Such a great event!

  67. Thank you, Pat, and thanks for your participation! It was quite the event, wasn't it? Makes me look forward to the Holiday Contest :)


  68. Michelle Heidenrich BarnesNovember 7, 2013 at 10:51 PM

    Geez, and the hangnail story was getting SO interesting! I'm late to your post this evening, but CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS! And all the special mentions... this is above and beyond generous. What a wonderful surprise so close to my bedtime. Sweet dreams tonight!

  69. You win for the best comment award!

  70. Hey Romelle, I was gonna say that! How funny is nr's comment and oh sooooooo true. the best blog!!

  71. Susanna, you are amazing! Your appreciation of writers knows no bounds and I'm just over the moon happy for the people that came to your blog to play and have great fun! It's so wonderful how you're honoring everyone that partcipated in your special event. I know everyone appreciates all of your hard work. And assistants, YOU also ROCK! CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE!

  72. oh, Susanna, you sure know how to make us all smile - thank you! and congrats, Nata - October PB class 4evah. :)

  73. Well, I could tell you more about the hangnail... Maybe I should make it a serial story :) Congratulations to you for your sweet story, Michelle, and thanks so much for being such an enthusiastic participant :)

  74. You're welcome, Suzy! Thank YOU for a delightful entry and for all your participation! :)

  75. You're so sweet, Pam! I am happy to do it! I have as much fun as everyone else does :) And it's really all the wonderful writers and readers who make it so much fun, so thank YOU for always showing up to support whatever nutty thing I'm currently involved in! :)


  76. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikNovember 8, 2013 at 6:55 AM

    Thank you Ms. Greanias! :) You are very nice. Congratulations to you, too! :D

  77. Susanna, you are so sweet. Thank you! This was a fun contest and Nancy is right, you DO deserve a prize. :-)

  78. Congratulations to everyone who placed!! I couldn't read all the stories this time, but I'm sure they were terrific and it was very hard to choose.

  79. Hearty congratulations to all the winners and I echo the words of Nancy (nrhatch).

    I do feel guilty because I have not been around since the weekend to check on the last few entries, or to cast my vote. Health issues, hospital appointments and a visit from my daughter took priority. At least the best entries won and I am on to the next stage of investigation! All's well that ends well.

    Big thank you to Susanna for holding the competition and drawing words out of people like me, who never knew we were capable of them. Sending hugs of thanks from a sunny 6°C, in Northern Ireland .

  80. Congratulations to all the winners. What a fun contest. It must have been so hard to choose.

  81. It was indeed hard to choose! But it was a joy to read so many wonderful stories!


  82. Oh my goodness, Grannymar! I hope you're okay!!! Sending all good thoughts and positive energy your way! As for the contest, thank you so much for your participation. I'm very glad if you enjoyed it and if it helped get those writing wheels in gear. And I didn't know you lived in Ireland! I've always wanted to go there... because of the scenery... and the ponies :)


  83. They were all terrific and it was very hard to choose and I will be needing some of your gorgeous desserts, Teresa! :)

  84. My prize is getting to be part of this wonderful community, and having the opportunity to read all your wonderful stories! :)

  85. Susanna, I was born down south in the Republic of Ireland, but moved north (UK) (for that four letter word beginning with 'L') almost thirty seven years ago. Ireland (the whole island) has wonderful treasures to offer the visitor providing they are come dressed like an onion - in layers - ready to peel off or add on when the sun appears or teases us by hiding.

  86. Well I think it sounds lovely! And one of these days I'm going to get there! And if the 4 letter word has lasted for 37 years I'd say you're doing something right :)


  87. I wish it did. Alas, the horrible curse that cancer is, stole my soul-mate from me fifteen years ago. I still have my memories and nobody can steal them! :D

  88. Susanna, thank you so much! I had no idea "The Old Hotel" was even in the running for spookiest. Looking forward to reading one of those craft books. And, best of all, I had great fun with the writing prompt and reading everyone's responses.

  89. thank you Suzy!!!

  90. thank you Patricia :)

  91. thank you Tracy! :)

  92. Well it was very spooky! :) It was also beautifully written and very poetic, and could just as easily have been listed in that category! I have to agree - the best part is getting to read so many wonderful stories! I'm so glad you came to join in!

  93. Oh, no! I'm so sorry! How awful and sad :( But you are right. He will always live in your heart.


  94. Or she. I didn't mean to assume.


  95. Me too. Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you Susanna (and
    Susanna's assistant) for being so generous with space on your blog and
    with the lovely prizes!

  96. Congratulations to all those winners!!! And congratulations to you Ms Hill for another success! I didn't manage to read all the entries, but the ones I read were all sure a Treat!!

  97. You were correct the first time. He will always live on in my heart and when Elly, our daughter comes home we have many a giggle as we share memories of the happy times with her dad.

  98. Well that's nice. I'm glad you have your daughter!


  99. It was an amazing contest! - far beyond what I expected or even hoped for! It was such a pleasure to have so many enthusiastic participants and to read so many entertaining stories! I'm glad you got a chance to take a peek at some of them :)


  100. I just wanted to stop by and say congrads to all the winners. I've been with my Christopher. Tests, questions, and more questions. Congrads everyone. <3

  101. I guess I lost track, Robyn... I thought you had a little break from that until early December. I hope everything is okay.

  102. We did have a break until the headache got worse. These appointments came suddenly. Plus, they scheduled the cardiac stuff. :(

  103. Sigh. Sorry to hear that. You'll have to tell me about it in an email....


I love to hear from you and try to respond to every comment. Please share your thoughts!