October 7, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

Good Monday, Everyone!

I hope you all had lovely weekends!

Remember on Friday when I was being so amazingly brief?  And I told you that I wanted to wax poetic about something but didn't have time?

Well, lucky you!  Now I have time!

(But not too much, so don't panic and run away :))

I am of the firm opinion, at least when it comes to my own writing, that there is always room for learning and improvement.  So I've always got my eye out for books and classes and such-like that might help me in my quest to be a better writer.  And it just so happens that I have discovered a gem!

And because you are my peeps I will share it with you :)

This gem of which I speak is Linda Ashman's new Nuts And Bolts Guide To Writing Picture Books.  I'm sure you all know Linda - author of the fabulous No Dogs Allowed and 30 or so other wonderful picture books.  Well, I read her guide last weekend and loved it.  Tina Cho did a wonderful write up of it HERE along with an interview with Linda, so rather than reinvent the wheel I'll just direct you over there if you want an in-depth review.

But if you're interested in purchasing this excellent how-to book, which I highly recommend, it's available in e-pub format ($15) or PDF ($20) and you can get copies at

I am happy to say that Linda has kindly offered a copy as a prize in an upcoming writing contest on this blog.  I think it will be for the Halloweensie Contest... but I'm still deciding... :)  So some talented writer will be able to win one here! :)

(And as long as we're on the subject of Linda, I have more great news which is that she will be offering a Rhyme Clinic here on Monday December 2.  Full details will be provided in a future post, but mark your calendars for the day and all you rhymers get out your troublesome stanzas and get ready to send them in! :))

And now, given that it's only about 3 weeks until the Halloweensie Contest and I'm sure you're all anxious to have the guidelines so you can get started working on your stories, let's have a chat about Halloween words, shall we?  Everyone please share one or more of your favorite Halloween-related words in the comments below!  And I was thinking I'd post the guidelines next Monday, which would give you just over 2 weeks to write your stories, but feel free to let me know in the comments if you think you need more time.  I can always post them in an extra special post somewhere :)

Have a marvelous Monday, everyone!  And don't forget - Halloween words!!!

Now, I'm off to talk to a class of college students about a career in writing picture books.  Wish me luck (as having to stand up and talk to people over the age of 9 turns my knees to jelly!)


  1. Ooh-another contest. How fun!

    My favorite Halloween words are mummy and brew.Looking forward to Linda's clinic. Thanks for posting.

  2. Thanks for linking to my blog, Susanna! And how neat Linda will do a rhyme clinic. I would be in need of that. My favorite Halloween words are trick-or-treat and jack-o-lantern.

  3. This Nuts and bolts guide sure looks like a gem- and I agree with you that we never stop learning. Thanks!
    I like the words spooky and ghoul.

  4. Tina did a great write-up about the book! I'm really eager to read it. :)

    For some reason "whistling winds" popped into mind for Halloween...LOL!

    You'll be a hit with the college crowd! But wait, you mean one can actually have a career writing PBs...or any books for that matter?! ;)

  5. I looked at the sample of this after Tina's post and love this. (Traveling so I haven't purchase one yet, but it's on my to do list when I get home.) Let's see Halloween.. BOO! Lame I know, but that's what I'm thinking. Hope you had a great time with the college students. I'm sure you did great!

  6. Looking forward to reading Linda's book & her rhyme clinic sounds great!
    For Halloween, how about ghosts and goblins?

  7. I canNOT buy any more books--even amazing books like Nuts and Bolts-- until I read the books I've bought. But if I were to *win* a book, that'd be totally different, right? :-)

    Let's see...Halloween words. Crypt is pretty darn creepy. Black cats are kinda creepy, too. (I seem to be stuck on C. I suspect there's a reason for that! ) ;-)

    And good luck on the class!

  8. I probably won't be able to do the contest, but nevertheless, I am partial to ghouls. :)

  9. The book sounds wonderful! I definitely have it on my list to read.

    Hope the talk went well. I'm sure you did an excellent job. I just know your passionate about writing and I'm sure that came through!

    ghost, witch, tombstone, skeleton

  10. Thanks so much for the book recommendation, I appreciate that.

    gourds and ghosts.

  11. Awh good luck! That book sounds super and I love No dogs Allowed. Thanks; Susanna!
    Creepy, cobwebs, witch, cackle

  12. Hmm . . . my favorite Halloween word? That's a tough one. But let me give it a stab:


    Good luck standing on wobbly jelly knees. They'll love you . . . especially if you bring C~H~O~C~O~L~A~T~E.

  13. "Fun Size."

    It is the holiday's cruelest joke. What on earth is "fun" about a piece of candy as big as your thumbnail? It is both a treat AND a trick.

  14. I bought the book and have just started reading it. Looks like a wonderful resource. I'm looking forward to the contest and the clinic! Okay, Halloween words. Haunted House, Linus and Snoopy. :-)

  15. My favorite Halloween word at the moment is Candy Corn. An example sentence may be, "I am really making a dent in this bag of candy corn."

  16. What fun! Creeping, crawly, and witch's brew for Halloween words.

  17. Oh that is really great. Definitely need to mark my calendar for that clinic. As for Halloween words, I think of tricks, treats, creepy, ghostly, costumes.

  18. Good luck with your presentation today, Susanna. A few of my favorite Halloween words are: ghost, skeleton, and graveyard. I can't wait for the contest!

  19. I have Linda's book on my to-read list. . .looks like a winner!

  20. Wow - I'm sooo excited that Linda Ashman will be stopping by to talk about rhyme. I love her work! Hmmm... favorite Halloween words: spooky, haunt/haunted/haunting, creepy, and (of course) candy. :-)

  21. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikOctober 7, 2013 at 5:52 PM

    Midknight, Witching-Hour (which is different from Midnight - W-H is at 2:00AM), (Living)Shadow, Monster, Costume, FUN!!!
    Can't wait to enter! :)

  22. Excellent words, Pam, thank you! And I'm looking forward to Linda's clinic too - she is awesome!

  23. You're welcome, Tina! Thank you for your excellent write-up which saved me having to think one up :) And thank you for your awesome Halloween word suggestions!

  24. It's really good, Iza. I just like the way she explains everything. Her process is a bit different from mine, and that's very helpful! Thanks for your word suggestions! :)

  25. Didn't she do a great write up? I highly recommend the book. I thought it was terrific. Thanks for your word suggestions. As for a career.... yeah... probably stretching it a bit but I don't want to scare them off completely :)

  26. In my opinion, Stacy, it's definitely worth the $15 or $20. I like having the PDF because I'm planning to print it (when I figure out how to do double-sided printing :)) BOO! is an excellent word! And the college students weren't as terrifying as I expected... although some of them weren't as attentive as I would have hoped :)

  27. I think you'll like her book, Pat, and I'm really looking forward to the clinic too! Thanks for goblins and ghosts! :)

  28. Yes, Cathy, winning would be TOTALLY different :) Sharpen your pencil :) Ooh...! Crypt is VERY creepy! And I like black cats :) Thanks for you good luck wishes. They must have worked because I'm happy to report that I survived! :)

  29. Now don't go ruling things out just yet, Renee! The Halloweensie Contest, by definition, is weensie! You may just be able to carve out the time :) Thanks for the ghouls :)

  30. I was definitely more passionate than the girls texting and exchanging gum in the back row... :) But the others seemed more interested :) Thanks for your Halloween word suggestions!

  31. I hope you get a chance to read the book, Joanna - it's good. And thanks for the word suggestions! :)

  32. Thanks, Catherine! I'm happy to report I survived the college students :) I love No Dogs Allowed too! And thanks for your excellent word suggestions!!! :)


  33. Clearly we are twins separated at birth, Nancy, since we both have such a deep and abiding belief that chocolate is appropriate for any situation and can solve all things! Excellent, excellent Halloween word choice :)


  34. And that's what makes it perfect for Halloween! :)


  35. Oh, I hope you enjoy the book, Cheryl! Please let me know what you think! And somebody likes Charlie Brown :)

  36. Excellent word choice, Lauri, and you are using it so well! I will give you another example: "I used to have candy corn, but then I ate it" :)

  37. Ooh! Great words! Thank you, Heather! :)

  38. Oh, I hope you'll join us, Angela! I think it's going to be great because Linda is fabulous! Thanks for your Halloween word suggestions too! Into the witch's hat they go and we'll see what comes out... :)

  39. Great words, Teri, thank you! And I'm looking forward to your entry! Thanks for the good luck. It was scary, but I'm still here to tell the tale :) Angela said next time (when you're all done with your doctorate and have more free time) she's going to ask you to join us too! :)


  40. Let me know if you like it, Jarm! I thought it was great!

  41. Of course, candy! :) I'm excited about Linda coming too! Such an honor - and I know she will be terrific and so helpful to all our rhymers! Thanks for the excellent words, Carrie :)


  42. Thank you, Coleen! I hate the dreaded jelly legs! And your good wishes were obviously very supportive because I survived and did not collapse in a puddle of jelly :)

  43. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Pat!!! :) And YAY! You just never know when disqus is going to cooperate :)


  44. Ooh! I love witching hour, Erik! There's something so spooky and evocative about that! I can't wait to read your entry! :)

  45. Excellent choice! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Cupcake's love of bones... :)


  46. My favorite word for Halloween or anytime is TREAT!!

  47. Ah! A dog after my own heart :) Thanks, Rhythm :)


  48. Hi Susanna, I just read Linda Ashman's post over at Julie Hedlund's blog for 12x12, and am writing to say that I'm eagerly awaiting to attend y'all's rhyming clinic on 12/2. Thanks for letting us know what we have to do to participate. :0)

  49. Yeah... I'll have more info up about that after the Halloweensie Contest is over... Hopefully this week!


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