July 19, 2013

Summer Morning Drive

Happy Friday!

I'm not really posting today.

It seems that most of blogging world is on blogcation - partially or completely.  I can't quite bring myself to go on total blogcation... I would miss you guys too much :)  But I am going to take some random days off between now and the end of summer.  Never Wednesdays - Would You Read It will appear as scheduled every Wednesday - but the occasional Monday and/or Friday.  I feel quite sure you guys can use a break from me :)

So today, all I have to share is this:

Isn't he cute?  He was trotting down the road near my house.  (And no!  I was certainly not driving and taking pictures at the same time!  I drove.  My daughter took the picture.  Which you would have realized if you'd thought about it for a second... it would have been way more crooked and blurry if I was multitasking :))

Maybe he will inspire a story for someone.  Or, if you guys would like to share something unusual you saw while driving, maybe one of your sightings will inspire a story for someone!  Remember the giant picnic basket I saw in Ohio?

Please share unusual sightings!  I love stuff like that :)

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!


  1. This_Kid_Reviews_Books_ErikJuly 19, 2013 at 8:05 AM

    Well, yesterday I saw wavy burn-out lines on the road going up a big hill and found out (while I was being driven by my cousin and her dad) that they came from my 16-year-old cousin's car (because she is learning how to drive and gave it too much gas on the hill) ! I laughed about it. :D

    Plus, earlier that day, I spotted 2 adorable bunnies. One was in a drive way and the other ran across the road. I wish I got a picture. :)

  2. That is very funny :)... up to a point... since all my kids are either newly licensed drivers or just starting to learn... and really it's terrifying! :) I bet the bunnies were cute! WE have twin fawns living practically in our back yard. Maybe I'll share a picture of them next time!

  3. Oh aren't you cute in that little buggy?! I'm not very observant, but some of the funnier things I've seen in the car include a sign for "Bucket O' Blood Road" and tumbleweed a crossing the road in a line like a mother duck and her ducklings! :D

    Enjoy your break! I find that posting once a week is already too much work for me. :}

  4. Ooh, I like the tumbleweed crossing sign :) That's very unusual! And I'm not taking a complete break - just slacking off a bit :)

  5. That sure looks like you in that buggy in the early morning! What a peaceful ride. Yeah, I've cut back and am only doing one post a week, sometimes none. When I get stuck while writing, I write a review. And, I'm reading and reviewing more MG/YA and will post those reviews soon.

  6. You know, Pat, in all my years around horses I've never driven one - only ridden. But that teeny pony looks like such fun :) As for blogging, I think a break of some kind does us all good!


  7. You deserve some time off, Susanna! Enjoy your partial blogcation this summer. :-)

  8. Thanks, Cheryl! It's a little time off blogging so I have more time for other stuff I want to do... like write! :)

  9. We all need a break some time. Have a great one, Susanna! Love the picture of the little horse carriage. I will never get to find that in my neighborhood.

  10. Well, I'm sure there are some things I'd never see in my neighborhood... like an ice cream truck which would be lovely right about now :) But I love that I live where I can see teeny ponies trotting down the road with a cart :)

  11. What an adorable pony and cart! I've never seen anything quite that delightful while out and about (or even while in and abin...??) The best I can do is tell you about seeing the word "Hi!" made from huge round haybales in a farmer's field. If I can find the picture I took, I'll post it on Facebook for you.

    And good for you for taking a break now and then this summer -- you've certainly earned one!

  12. Oh! I totally want to see the haybale HI! I hope you can find it! And I'm glad you don't mind if I take some days off :)


  13. You totally deserve a break! That picture is awesome and reminds me of something incredible that I keep forgetting to mention. There's this big main road I was going down and I ran over but not on ;) a crossing turtle. I checked my rear view and nothing else was coming for a while so I think he made it but it was so extraordinary. Have a lovely weekend, look out for turtles on the road.

  14. That is good advice around here, Catherine! We have tons of turtles in the road, especially in late May/early June when the snapping turtles are laying. I had to stop my car a few weeks ago for a crossing snapper who was about the size of a volkswagon! :) Have a lovely weekend too! Good boating weather :)


  15. Have a great summer break! I have 2 wks left in Iowa before heading back to Korea.

  16. I think that horse shrunk in the rain. :D

  17. Enjoy your blog-cation. I'm doing about half my normal blogs this summer. It's a good thing.

  18. Sigh. I haven't found it yet. It must be in one of Dad's albums. When I come across it, I will post it. In the meantime, I'll post a couple of other photos that are things one doesn't usually see when driving down a country road. Stay tuned to my Facebook! (I'll tag you so you don't miss them.)

  19. Thanks, Tina! I'm not really taking a complete break - I'm just going to skip some days - but I'm looking forward to having a little more writing time as a result. Hope you're having tons of fun in Iowa! :)

  20. Hahahahahaha!!! I think you're right, Nancy! :) Lord knows we've had enough of it!


  21. I think we can all use a little bit of a break, even if it's not a total one :) Hope you're getting lots of writing done (or whatever makes you happy) :)


  22. Happy Va-cay! Time to stop and smell the ponies.

    Or the singing fish car from Artscape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p_KOVapoA8#at=18

  23. A singing fish car? TOTALLY going to watch that right this minute! :)

  24. WOW! That is some car :) Thank you, Stacy! :)

  25. My pleasure, Susanna! If you're ever in Baltimore in July, you should check it out. (For Christmas, there's a silent but joyful Hub Cap Christmas Tree.)

  26. "A silent but joyful Hub Cap Christmas tree" would be something to see! :)

  27. Aw, he's so cute!
    Enjoy your partial blogcation!

  28. Great photo, Susanna! Definitely the stuff picture books are made of.:)

  29. Isn't he so cute? It's amazing to me that such a little pony can pull that cart and person! Let me know how your picture book about him turns out :)

  30. I'm glad you like him, Alison :) And thanks so much for stopping by and commenting - it's lovely to see you here! :)

  31. I have to take my photos off the camera soon. There are way too many to organize now. It is such a hassle. Wish I had one of those new fangle ones. what are they called? i phones? lol!

  32. Yeah.... I'm afradi my photos are not at all organized! :)

  33. All I can say is "and if that dog named Rover won't bark, daddy's gonna buy you a horse and cart." :) enjoy your sort of vacation!

  34. That is exactly it, Lauri! You have nailed it :)

  35. bermudaonion(Kathy)July 25, 2013 at 9:30 AM

    He's adorable but I feel bad that he's having to pull that cart.

  36. I know! I kind of thought that too, Kathy! But I was hoping the wheels and the smooth road would make the pulling easier for him. He certainly didn't seem to mind and he didn't looked stressed or unhappy in any way - just wary of my car :)


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